Podcast en français

author: Diana Tsankova

Una antigua técnica nos permite crear fantasías en color sobre el agua

Una fantasía que flota sobre el agua pero no es una imagen congelada, sino colores que se fusionan igual que la risa y el llanto de un niño. La mano del pintor puede recrear imágenes sobre el agua que sean tan vívidos como las pintadas en el..

19.09.15 09:10 |

Ebru: painting colorful images on water

A vision floating on water surface but not at all a frozen image but a splash of colors mixing similar to fluctuating moods and the fizzy laughter of a child: next, the water surface turns into a canvas to absorb the dreams of the soul. The..

19.09.15 08:15 |

Nüfus krizine nasıl çözüm getirilecek

Ülkede yaşanan hızlı nüfus düşüşünün esas sebeplerinden biri düşük doğum oranı olmaktadır. Bu arada doğacak çocukların eğitimini ve sağlıklı bir sosyal ortamda yetişmesini düşünmeden çocuk doğumlarını teşvik etmek gecikmeli bomba olabilir. Bunun..

17.09.15 15:08 |
Left: Ligh Parasites by RaumZeitPiraten; down on the right – the installation Nyloid by CodAct

DA Fest: international artists, art and digital language

An international festival based on keywords like sound art, net art, robotics, generative systems and other wonders from the digital world opened on 15 September at the National Art Gallery. DA Fest has for the fifth time gathered together..

17.09.15 11:58 |

Migration is not panacea for demographic crisis in Bulgaria

In 2050 Bulgarians will be some 5 million people - two million less than now. According to a UN report on the demographic development, Bulgaria will be the country with the fastest declining population in the world. It is not clear what the..

16.09.15 15:05 |

Bulgarian honey – the power to heal, bring beauty and pleasure

Summer’s end is a time when bee-keepers leaf through the last pages of their calendar. It is a time when they look back at the outgoing season but also showcase their achievements. To popularize their new honey and its derivatives, around 30 honey..

16.09.15 14:56 |

Bulgar balının faydaları saymakla bitmiyor

Yaz mevsiminin son günleri akıp giderken arı yetiştiriciliği yapanlar bir yandan arkada kalan sezonun hesabını yaparken öte yandan aldıkları balın miktarı ve kalitesi ile övünmek için sabırsızlanıyorlar. Yeni balını ve türevlerini göstermek için ülkenin..

16.09.15 14:28 |
A la izquierda: “Parásitos luminosos” de RaumZeitPiraten. A la derecha, abajo: instalación

El DA Fest: artistas mundiales, arte y lenguaje digital

El 15 de septiembre quedaba inaugurado en la Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes un festival internacional con los   nombres codificados de “sound art”, “Net art”, “Robótica”, “Sistemas generativos” y otros milagros del orbe digital. En el DA Fest se han..

16.09.15 12:48 |
A gauche: “Parasites lumineux” de RaumZeitPiraten; en bas à droite: l’installation Nyloid de Cod.Act

Le DA Fest: une fusion d’arts et de numérique

L’Académie nationale des Arts accueille un festival international aux noms codés “Sound Art”, “Net Art”, “Robotique”, “Systèmes génératifs”, etc. Le DA Fest rassemble pour la cinquième fois des artistes de renommée mondiale afin de présenter les..

16.09.15 11:41 |

La migration n’est pas la potion magique contre la crise démographique

On estime qu’en 2050 le nombre des Bulgares sera d’environ 5 millions de personnes – deux millions de moins qu’à l’heure actuelle. Selon une analyse des Nations unies sur le développement démographique, la Bulgarie sera le pays à la diminution la..

16.09.15 11:03 |