At an extraordinary sitting today, the members of parliament will discuss, at first reading, amendments to the Criminal Code and the Protection Against Domestic Violence Act. Last Thursday, the members of the National Assembly’s Legal Affairs..
Every year during the summer holidays, children from Bulgarian families living abroad come back to this country. Many of them do not speak Bulgarian and have difficulty understanding the language. Many of the families are multicultural and in them..
Many photographs, including those taken from a bird's eye view, of depopulated villages, which served as the terrain for the construction of some of the water reservoirs in Bulgaria, are presented in the "Submerged Heritage" exhibition. It has been..
We may not know how many Bulgarians there are living in London, but they must run to tens of thousands because every time the amateur comedy company “The Bulgarians” put on a show, the hall is full. It was founded by enthusiasts, Bulgarian expats,..
The government approved the draft of the state budget for 2023 which has to be endorsed by the National Assembly by the end of July. However, its basic parameters dashed the hopes of any pay raises, particularly in key sectors that are underfinanced...
At first glance nothing unusual – a foreigner visits Bulgaria, meets his partner here, and decides to stay. That is how, exactly 30 years ago, a businessman from Armenia came to Bulgaria for a week, after which his life took a completely different..
Ka një vazhdimësi mes emigracionit të vjetër dhe atij të ri bullgar nëpër botë, dhe pavarësisht nëse janë në Afrikë, Amerikë Jugore, Azi apo Amerikën e Veriut, bashkatdhetarët tanë janë konsoliduar rreth shkollave të tyre dhe shoqërive që krijojnë..
28 iunie este ziua în care se deschide oficial campania de recoltare pentru anul 2023 în Bulgaria. În mod tradițional, startul este dat pe câmp de unul dintre reprezentanții Asociației Producătorilor de Cereale dintr-o regiune diferită. În acest an,..
June 28 is the day on which the harvest campaign for 2023 in Bulgaria officially opens. Traditionally, the start is given in the fields of one of the representatives of the Association of Grain Producers from a different region. This year the..
Bulgaria remains the country of the EU with the lowest incomes, and this problem was actually made worse by the series of crises – first the pandemic, then Russia’s war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, and all this crystallizing into a “cost of living..
Bulgaria intenționează să devină principalul centru de echilibrare a energiei electrice în Europa de Sud-Est, consolidând securitatea energetică și..
Între clădirile Parlamentului și Banca Națională a Bulgariei are loc un protest împotriva adoptării monedei euro. Pe pancartele protestatarilor se pot citi..
Președintele Bulgariei, Rumen Radev, și secretarul general al Organizației Mondiale a Turismului (UNWTO), Zurab Pololikashvili, au analizat perspectivele..