Nature this year has been kinder to beekeepers, providing them with warm rainy days in April, which created favourable conditions for the flowering of rapeseed, one of the preferred honey crops for insects. The warm days in May favoured the flowering of..
Bulgarian students have had numerous successes in world Olympiads in mathematics, informatics, linguistics, etc. Recently, Bulgaria earned a gold medal at the European Statistics Competition. The competition for high school students is organized by the..
Walking in the streets of Kyustendil in June is like taking a walk in a cherry orchard, surrounded by trees heavy with fruit. This is the town in Bulgaria, located in the foothills of Mount Osogovo and on the bank of Banshitsa River,..
Italian language continues to enjoy great popularity in Bulgaria. Many young Bulgarians love studying the language of Boccaccio and Dante Alighieri and enjoy Italian music and art. In Bulgaria, Italian language is taught in four schools in..
A survey among Bulgarians abroad, conducted recently for the Bulgaria Wants You multimedia platform, shows that about 35 percent of the respondents have decided to return to their country and are currently considering their options. Taking into account..
Bulgarians often refer to the fragrant oil-bearing rose, which has been grown for centuries in the picturesque Bulgarian towns of Karlovo, Kazanlak, Strelcha and Perushtitsa, as “Queen Rose”. For more than 40 years an annual pageant called..
No Bulgarian will fail to recognize the unique palette and imagery of Vladimir Dimitrov-Maistora (The Master) , one of the greatest Bulgarian artists.Like any other genius master, he has left hidden symbols and coded messages in his works..
June 2 is the day on which we Bulgarians pay tribute to the heroes who died for the freedom of our country. Like every year, today at 12 o'clock sharp the sound of sirens announces the moment when the whole country pauses in a minute of silence..
Antarctica has inspired a multitude of geographic discoveries of the past. What we call “Antarctica” is, in fact, the region covering the continent Antarctica, plus the waters and the island territories in the Southern Ocean or around 20%..
The event is organized on the initiative of a group of Bulgarians in Hamburg. In this industrial center of Germany people with Bulgarian roots are united in their desire to work for their community through the Internet in a group called..
Bulgaria intenționează să devină principalul centru de echilibrare a energiei electrice în Europa de Sud-Est, consolidând securitatea energetică și..
Bulgaria a depus o cerere pentru un raport de convergență extraordinar, pe baza înțelegerii că țara îndeplinește criteriile pentru a intra în zona euro, a..
Militari din Regimentul 101 Alpin al Forțelor Terestre ale Armatei Bulgariei și din Forțele Armate Române, desfășoară un antrenament alpin specializat în..