D'ici la fin de l'année, dans la région de Stara Zagora, sera lancé le chantier d'une usine de production de panneaux solaires qui s'étendra sur une superficie de 0.2 hectares. Le nouveau site créera 250 à 300 emplois, qui passeront à 800, dès que..
Yılın sonuna kadar Stara Zagora bölgesinde kurulacak olan fotovoltaik panel ve hücre fabrikasının ilk kazı töreni yapılacak. Fabrikanın kurulması için ihtiyaç duyulan 150-200 dekarlık arazilerin sağlanması konusunda yatırımcı, belediye ile..
A groundbreaking ceremony for a plant for the manufacture of photovoltaic panels and cells is to take place in the region of Stara Zagora by the end of this year. 15-20 hectares of land will be needed to build the plant and the investor has been..
A great blessing and joy for all Orthodox Christians in Bulgaria is the Saint Athanasius Monastery near the town of Chirpan. It was founded by the saint himself in the IV century (344), near an old Roman fortress, close to the then town of Beroe..
El 21 de diciembre, la Comisión Europea solicitó a Bulgaria, Austria y Polonia que presenten en dos meses sus planes revisados de transición energética y medioambiental para 2030. La Comisión ha iniciado procedimientos penales contra estos tres países..
Ursul brun Diana, în vârstă de 14 ani, hibernează deja de zece zile. Ea este una dintre cele nouă reprezentante ale speciei sale, crescută cu multă dragoste și grijă în grădina zoologică Stara Zagora. Unul dintre cei mai bătrâni urși care trăiesc într-o..
The 14-year-old brown bear Diana has been hibernating for ten days now. She is one of the nine representatives of her species, raised with a lot of love and care in the Stara Zagora Zoo. One of the oldest bears living in a Bulgarian..
La osa parda Diana, que tiene 14 años, lleva diez días hibernando. Es una de los nueve representantes de esta especie de animales criados con mucho amor y cuidado en el zoológico de Stara Zagora. Bella, de 26 años, es una de los osos más viejos que..
The protests of Bulgarian miners and energy workers from the Maritsa East complex continue for the 11th day. Road blocks continue on the Trakia highway at the 208th kilometer, at the junction in the direction of Stara Zagora and in the direction of..
L'autoroute Trakia reste bloquée pour la 7e journée consécutive à hauteur de Stara Zagora par des énergéticiens mécontents. Le Col de la République est aussi fermé. Les contestataires sont formels: les barrages routiers resteront en place tant que le..