The state is in collapse, there are no real solutions in any of the sectors, people worry about how they will feed their families and how they will pay their bills, say potato growers from the town of Samokov. They protested in front of the Ministry of..
Bulgarians like to say that the month of March is like a woman – because of its ever changing meteorological “moods”. Of course, there’s March 1 - Baba Marta (Granny Marta), and the International Women's Day on March 8, that add to the..
The month of March is here and the promise of spring is in the air. On the first of March Bulgarians adorn themselves with martenitsa, this wonderful symbol of spring, the exchange of which is always accompanied by wishes for health, joy and prosperity..
"Equal work deserves equal pay. When there is pay discrimination, women have the right to fight to get what they deserve.” These words are of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. The right to equal pay for men and women for..
Cultural diplomacy can achieve the unachievable. A Bulgarian diplomat in Prague was convinced in the truthfulness of these words a century ago. His tough task being to restore the good name of his country after World War I, Dimitar Michalchev was..
Let's drive away the evil forces on Surva! - is the motto of the largest festival of masquerade games in Bulgaria and the Balkans . Traditionally, the festival held in the town of Pernik brings together thousands of participants,..
One of the most successful campaigns has been working miracles for four years in Bulgaria. It is called “Caps for the future” because with the help of the plastic rubbish we all throw away – plastic bottle caps – the campaign is trying to make up..
Providing adequate treatment to Bulgarians living outside the big cities has been a challenge in recent years. Although people increasingly need healthcare, especially in the industrial areas in Stara Zagora district, where a large part of the..
Even before gaining their freedom and establishing state institutions, Bulgarians realized the need for cultural centers where they could develop literary activity and preserve written monuments of culture. That is how in the middle of the 18th..
The maturity and prosperity of a given society are measured by its attitude towards disadvantaged people who face the challenges in their lives with dignity and hope for tomorrow. In most European countries, almost 60% of persons with..
Sot Bullgaria kremton festën e saj kombëtare – 3 marsin. Në fillim të programit tonë do t’ju tregojmë për historinë e 3 marsit. Pas kësaj do t’ju..
Më 3 mars festojmë 147 vjetorin e Çlirimit të Bullgarisë pas pesë shekujve të sundimit osman. Kjo ditë u shpall festë kombëtare në vitin 1990 me vendim të..
Pesëmbëdhjetë vjeçarja Malena Zamfirova fitoi vendin e dytë në garën paralele të sllallomit gjigant në Kupën e Botës Snowboard në Krinica, Poloni...