The region of the central Sredna Gora Mountain, encompassing the municipalities of Pirdop, Zlatitsa, Anton and others has an industrial face - some of the biggest corporate employers in Bulgaria, providing jobs to over 8,000, are right here, in..
Science Fiction Fandom is the newest festival in Sofia, bringing together sci-fi fans – in literature, cinema, manga, computer games and all things virtual. Bulgarians have always had a penchant for science fiction. The first SF fan clubs were..
Con los años la torre de reloj se ha convertido en el lugar más popular e incluso en el símbolo de la ciudad de Zlatitsa. Antiguas torres de reloj que se conservan en su aspecto auténtico de hace 300 años guardan el recuerdo de épocas pasadas. En los..
The clock tower in Zlatitsa (Central South Bulgaria) has turned over the years into the most popular place and a symbol of that Bulgarian town. Many old clock towers in Bulgaria, some of them built 300 years ago, preserved their authentic..
In summer heat and in winter frost salesmen never miss a Sunday when they can quite legally, “invade” the entire central street in the small town of Zlatitsa. People who grow fruit, vegetables and flowers, people who sell garden and farm tools..
What do former, current and future country presidents, presidents of football clubs and the “President” cheese have in common? It is that they are all part of the autumn exhibition of Bulgarian artists under the title “President.” The..
¿Qué es lo común entre los ex presidentes, los actuales y los futuros, entre presidentes de clubes futbolísticos y el queso Président? Lo común es que protagonizan una muestra otoñal de pintores búlgaros que tiene el título “Presidente”. La..
What should people with rich life and professional experience do when they put an end to their active career after reaching pension age? Many Bulgarian men and women in their sixties ask that question. A group of elderly Bulgarian intellectuals..
One of the oldest museums in Sofia is situated behind the imposing building of the Sofia Court House. This is the Museum of the Ministry of Interior, which was established with the first document issued by the municipality for the creation of..
Con cada día que pasa crece el número de las mujeres y de los niños refugiados en Europa. El peligro de explotación y maltrato en su patria también aumenta y esto los induce a emprender el arriesgado camino hacia países desconocidos. Precisamente a..
Fillimi i vitit 2025 është më se i frytshëm për këngëtaren Desi Dobreva – krahas udhëtimeve nëpër botë, ajo arriti të incizojë një këngë të dytë. Pas..
Pikërisht një muaj pasi Radioja Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR) kremtoi solemnisht 90-vjetorin e saj, historia vazhdon dialogun me ne, autorët e saj...
Për ditën e sotme u shpall bojkoti i tretë i zinxhirëve ushqimorë. Këtë herë organizatorët bëjnë thirrje që jo vetëm për të mos bërë pazar në dyqane të..