Every passing day sees more and more women and children refugees in Europe. The risk of exploitation and abuse in their own countries is also growing and pushes them to embark on the difficult and dangerous road to countries unknown. A congress..
Sofia has been a city at the crossroads since ancient times and various languages and cultures meet here. Today the Bulgarian capital is even more colourful. It is enough to take a day for a walk in the historic centre of the city or in one of..
A girl is in the bus and starts reading a book with a challenging photograph of a woman on the cover. A middle-aged man sitting beside her looks at the cover photo but has never heard of the title though it is classics in literature. He tends to..
According to data of the World Bank, 75% of the global gross domestic product is formed in the cities. Forecasts show that by 2030 the urban areas in the developing countries will increase threefold. That process will be considerably slower in..
Sofía se encuentra en una encrucijada y desde tiempos remotos aquí se dan cita diferentes idiomas y culturas. Desde este punto de vista hoy la capital búlgara es una ciudad variopinta. Basta con pasear un día por el centro histórico de Sofía o en uno..
Do you have to answer sometimes questions about the languages you use or study? Sometimes you hear questions such as where did you study, what motivated you to study languages, were you forced to speak a given language or you..
Though Bulgaria places last across the European Union under various indices including education and knowledge, it is among the world's leaders in one specific area. Every year the national pride receives a boost from the success of high school students..
There is something phenomenal in Pokémon Go and it is the vast popularity it gained just days after the application emerged. Despite the vast selection of computer games on the net, the creators of the new game reported that just 3 days after..
Lo fenomenal del videojuego Pokémon Go radica en la vertiginosa popularidad que adquirió a pocos días del estreno de la aplicación. A pesar de ll enorme número de videojuegos en la red, solo en tres días los creadores de la nueva manía registraron que..
Times when dogs used to help manin protecting his home and herds of sheep,or in hunting, are almost gone. Nowadays, pet dogs have become members of the family and in some cases they are the single companion with whom one shares their loneliness. The..
Fillimi i vitit 2025 është më se i frytshëm për këngëtaren Desi Dobreva – krahas udhëtimeve nëpër botë, ajo arriti të incizojë një këngë të dytë. Pas..
Për ditën e sotme u shpall bojkoti i tretë i zinxhirëve ushqimorë. Këtë herë organizatorët bëjnë thirrje që jo vetëm për të mos bërë pazar në dyqane të..
Pikërisht një muaj pasi Radioja Kombëtare Bullgare (BNR) kremtoi solemnisht 90-vjetorin e saj, historia vazhdon dialogun me ne, autorët e saj...