Günün Programı

author: Desislava Semkovska

With Scent of Books candles turn reading into even more sensitive experience

Whenever we read a book we dive into the atmosphere that the heroes live in and go through their wills and feelings, as if sinking into the scents of the whole picture. At the same time it turns out that we may touch the scent of our favorite..

13.05.18 09:25 |
“Libros viejos” – varias especies de árboles, vainilla, miel y café

Velas “con fragancia de libros” transforman la lectura en una vivencia aún más sensorial

Al leer un libro nos sumimos en el ambiente que rodea a los protagonistas, nos hacemos partícipes de sus deseos y sentimientos, nos dibujamos el cuadro de lo que está ocurriendo y, aparentemente, nos empapamos de los aromas del ambiente. Resulta, sin..

13.05.18 09:15 |

Weighted blankets help children and adults with health problems

In recent years a rise in the number of children with autism spectrum disorders has been observed, while stress lowers the quality of life of many people. We are not going to focus on statistics but on one of the means that could be helpful in..

08.05.18 15:33 |

“Ağırlıklı” battaniyeler- ruhsal sorunlara ve uykusuzluğa alternatif çözüm

Son yıllarda otizm rahatsızlıkları ve özel eğitim ihtiyaçlı insanların sayısı artıyor, stres ve gerginlik ise birçok insanın yaşam kalitesini kötüleştiriyor. Son zamanlarda yaygınlık kazanan bir icat olan “ağırlıklı battaniye” ise ilaç ve tıbbi bir..

08.05.18 15:13 |

Mantas “pesadas” ayudan a niños y adultos con problemas

En los últimos años ha habido un aumento significativo del número de niños con trastornos del espectro autista y con necesidades educativas especiales, y la tensión y el estrés alteran el ritmo y empeoran la calidad de vida de muchas personas. No..

08.05.18 11:59 |

El patchwork es afición y arte que enseña a apreciar la belleza

Las raíces del patchwork se esconden en la más remota antigüedad, aunque se considera que esta técnica, en su variante contemporánea, nació en el s. XVIII en Inglaterra. El nombre patchwork proviene del inglés –patch: parche y work: trabajo–. Se hace..

01.05.18 09:10 |

Patchwork – hobby and art for those with good taste

Patchwork is considered to have emerged in 18 th century England, but some of its different techniques might be much older and traced back to ancient times. The craft saw some decline after WWII, but its Renaissance occurred in the 1970s, when..

28.04.18 09:15 |

Kırkyama hem hobi hem ince bir sanat

“Patcwork” veya kırkyama sanatının kökenleri, çok eski zamanlara dayanıyorsa da bu teknik, çağdaş hali ile 18. yüzyılda İngiltere’de uygulanmaya başlandı. İngilizce yama anlamına gelen “patch” ve iş anlamına gelen “work” kelimesinin bir araya..

25.04.18 13:09 |

Nikolay Boev: “La gimnasia rítmica es mi vida”

Le presentamos a Nikolay Boev, joven, abierto a lo nuevo, ambicioso. Él tiene apenas 29 años pero ya tiene 15 años de experiencia como entrenador y juez en un deporte poco tradicional para los hombres –la gimnasia rítmica–. A los 12 años conoció..

21.04.18 09:10 |
Margarita Stoyanova at the

The Gabrovo country market and the initiative Forgotten Traditions and Living Tastes

The Gabrovo country market is not a shiny pompous market with shops and offices situated in the center of a Bulgarian village. It is rather a bazaar-exhibition, which has already gained huge popularity. The idea of the Gabrovo country market..

21.04.18 08:00 |