The South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) is a major political format for cooperation in the region, a factor of security and stability with a focus on the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the countries of the Western..
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 ranks Bulgaria in 69 th position out of a total of 168 countries in the world. According to the 2015 report, this country has been firmly bottom of the list of all EU countries since..
Over the period 1 July – 31 December 2018 Bulgaria will, for the first time, take over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. The country will play an active role in forging European legislation, in formulating..
Alemania, Dinamarca y Suecia han asegurado ante la Comisión Europea que se reducirán al mínimo las extraordinarias medidas de control en sus fronteras. Esto trascendió el 6 de enero al término de la reunión promovida por Dimitris Avlamópoulos, comisario..
How to combat corruption is a question that has frequently been in the focus of attention of analysts. Based on European experience, a “local integrity system” index was created in Bulgaria and presented by Transparency International. In..
“Stability, feasibility, results” – that was how Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov defined the philosophy of the national budget for 2016, adopted at first reading. “The 2016 budget is conformed to reality. It is a function of what we create and..
When on 911 the planes crashed into the twin towers we all had to face the fact that America had been dealt a blow straight to the heart and the world would never be the same. America then sacrificed part of its freedom to guarantee security..
Cuando el 11 de septiembre de 2001, los aviones con terroristas se estrellaron contra las Torres Gemelas del Centro Mundial de Comercio tuvimos que reconocer que EE.UU. estaba golpeado directamente en el corazón y que el mundo ya no sería el mismo...
The Scorpions’ and their Wind of Change, a song that came to be the symbol of the fall of the Berlin wall. Twenty-six years ago it sounded like the promise of a rosy future. Our dream was a simple one – to have this same wind of change blowing..
Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan et son Parti de la justice et du développement ont remporté il y a une semaine de manière convaincante les législatives anticipées et le chef de l’Etat turc les a qualifiées de vote en faveur de la stabilité..
Por tercer año consecutivo crece el número de los médicos jóvenes que desean quedarse en Bulgaria después del término de sus estudios. Es lo que muestran..
En Plovdiv se discuten los problemas de la industria alimentaria, de acuerdo con los requisitos más modernos de las normativas búlgaras y europeas. El..
El sábado seguirá haciendo frío. Prevalecerá el tiempo soleado con aumentos temporales de nubosidad media y alta. Antes del mediodía habrá niebla en algunos..