Podcast en español

author: Natalia Ganchovska

Bogdan Bogdanov

Tendință pozitivă a investițiilor străine directe în Bulgaria

În ultimul an, producția industrială bulgară a avut a doua cea mai rapidă creștere din Uniunea Europeană. Totodată, Bulgaria înregistrează cel mai mare export din Uniunea Europeană pentru 2022, a anunțat ministrul Economiei și Industriei Bogdan..

15.06.23 14:00 |

Los trabajadores poco cualificados, los más demandados en el mercado laboral de Bulgaria

Los centros principales en el sector económico son los que acaparan el mayor número de mano de obra. Esto es consecuencia de los mejores puestos de trabajo que se ofertan y en los cuales existen buenas oportunidades para la realización de respectivo..

17.06.21 15:01 |

Oportunidades para la recuperación de la economía búlgara, pero acompañadas por varias salvedades

Por medio de las medidas de rescate contra la crisis de Covid−19 y las inyecciones financieras urgentes en los sistemas sanitario y financiero, Bulgaria conserva la oportunidad de esquivar una espiral de crisis y apuntalada por medios presupuestarios y..

11.11.20 12:11 |

Tax Freedom Day in Bulgaria falls on 4 May 2018: Institute for Market Economics

We shall be working 4 months this year to fill up the state treasury, analysts from the Institute for Market Economics say. Every year they calculate how much Bulgarians have to pay for the services the state offers. “This year Tax Freedom..

02.01.18 10:49 |

Traffic restrictions for heavy duty trucks imposed nationwide

Due to the snowfall, traffic for heavy duty trucks (over 12 tons) is restricted along the Troyan-Kurnare road. No restrictions are in place for the passes Aitos, Kotel, Obzor, Pechinsko, Prevala, Rozhen and the Pass of the Republic...

17.12.17 14:46 |

Small business needs less bureaucracy

Fledgling businesses and businesses that have been functioning for over one year cannot be put on a similar basis, Chairman of the Association Professional Forum for Education Yurij Andjekarski told Horizont channel of the Bulgarian National Radio:..

04.08.17 11:07 |