Podcast en français

author: Diana Tsankova

Lili Vladimirova'nın ikonları altın ışıltısıyla parlıyor

Lili Vladimirova azizlerin hikayelerini anlatıyor.Eski Ortodoks üstatların katı geleneksel tarzında çizilmişyirmi beş ikon, neredeyse bir aydır Scuola Grande della Misericordia Rönesans Sarayında Venedikli izleyicilerin beğenisini kazanıyor...

29.05.18 13:45 |

Los iconos de Lili Vladimirova resplandecen con el brillo de oro de 24 quilates

Lili Vladimirova narra las historias de los santos ya desde la época anterior a su transformación en las efigies radiantes de unos justos inmortales. Es por ello que sus iconos se encuentran colmados de emociones que sólo son capaces de..

29.05.18 12:36 |

Internationally acclaimed neurologist prof. Ivailo Tarnev wins medical Oscar

It is amazing to see how few persons still carry the flame of enlightenment and buck the fossilized system with their success. One of these men is prof. Ivailo Tarnev. With his achievements in science he has gained acknowledgement across the world..

28.05.18 09:38 |

Tales written by children to be published in a book

"From Children to Children" is a collection of fairytales and in its pages one travels to the town of Primer, or rides a horse that dreams of being a zebra. One flies on the three-story shell of a turtle and goes shopping in a magic shop… For a..

27.05.18 08:00 |

El Prof. Ivaylo Tarnev, neurólogo internacional, gana un Oscar de Medicina

Es admirable ver personas en Bulgaria que iluminan y atraviesan el sistema con sus éxitos. Uno de esos portadores de luz es el Prof. Ivaylo Tarnev, que con sus logros científicos ha cosechado reconocimiento por todo el mundo, y en su país natal comparte..

26.05.18 09:05 |

Culinary blogger Sophie Yotova embarks upon 123 gastronomic adventures with a smile

Cooking doesn’t have to be tedious drudgery that eats away at your time at the end of an exhausting day. This is the kind of infectious confidence – that the kitchen can be an inspiring place and bring a smile to your face – that readers can..

26.05.18 08:00 |

Kraliyet düğünü pastasına tat katan Bulgar aşçı

Meghan ve Harry'nin düğününün pastası muhtemelen İngiliz Kraliyet çevrelerinin geleneksel zevklerine göre yapıldı, ancak bizim "Bulgar" usulü düğün pastası kadar lezzetli değildi. Dünyanın dört bir yanından Kraliyet düğününü yansıtmak üzere Londra’ya..

25.05.18 15:36 |

Cake with touch of Bulgarian flavor fascinates journalists at the royal wedding

The cake for the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is perhaps based on the strict tradition of the British royal court, but its taste cannot compete with the “Bulgarian” cake. Three hundred journalists from across the globe..

25.05.18 13:41 |

Un pastel con sabor búlgaro fascina a los periodistas de la boda real

El pastel de la boda de Meghan y Harry se elaboró probablemente bajo la estricta tradición de la casa real británica, pero su sabor no se puede medir con el búlgaro. 300 periodistas de todo el mundo acreditados para la boda del sexto en la..

25.05.18 12:59 |

Le neurologue mondialement connu Ivaïlo Tarnev oscarisé en médecine !

Il est impressionnant de voir comme différentes personnalités en Bulgarie portent toujours en elles l’esprit des Lumières. L’un de ces porteurs de lumière est le professeur Ivaïlo Tarnev. Par ses acquis scientifiques il récolte de la..

22.05.18 12:04 |