Una pintura de destino misterioso ha emergido del olvido causando asombro y admiración para dar rienda suelta a la imaginación. El lienzo recrea uno de los temas bíblicos pintados con frecuencia –la última cena de Jesús con sus apóstoles–. Pero no es..
“Replik” Tiyatrosu okullarda gerçek, yaşanmış şiddet olaylarını gösteriyor, izleyicilere olaylarla ilgili tüm tarafların görüşlerini yansıtıyor. Ancak bütün bunlar bir mahkeme önünde gelişmiyor, sahnede suçlanan yok, izleyiciler jüri oluşturmuyor...
Safet Halid from the village of Zaritsa in the region of Silistra has sheltered in his home five frozen storks, and his example has been followed by dozens of people who have rescued many distressed birds, accommodated them in their..
Safet Halid de la aldea de Zaritsa, en la región nororiental de Silistra, ha cobijado en su casa a cinco cigüeñas a punto de helarse, y su ejemplo fue imitado por decenas de otras personas quienes rescataron a muchas más de estas aves colocándolas al..
An exceptional painting with mysterious fate came out of oblivion and caused admiration and amazement. The painting depicts one of the most popular biblical plots – the Last Supper of Jesus and his Disciples. However, this masterpiece was not..
Tarihte yolculuk yapmak için farklı yollar ve yöntemler vardır. Bilim adamlarının önerdiği yolu seçersek, tarihleri ve sıkıcı anlatımları içeren kuru kroniklere dalıp zamanın kokusunu ve insanların duygularını hissedemeyeceğiz. “İtalya’dan ve..
Le Théâtre « Réplique » recueille des histoires authentiques de violence dans les écoles dans le but de porter à la connaissance des spectateurs les avis différents des parties concernées. Ceux-ci ne sont toutefois pas placés devant une sorte de..
El teatro “Réplica” recoge auténticas historias sobre los esfuerzos de las escuelas para poner ante los espectadores a todas las partes interesadas. Sin embargo, no se presentan ante un tribunal: en el escenario no hay acusados, ni entre el público un..
The “Replica” (Cue) theatre collects true-life stories of violence at school, to present to the audience all sides concerned. Yet they never present a case to a “judge and jury” and there are no “culprits” on stage. In giving the floor to..
A Bulgarian girl with a big heart has returned to her motherland to get to know the country where she was born. And although her life abounds in hardship and challenge she gives away kindness to those who need help and affection. Until two..
Nous célébrons le 147 e anniversaire de la Libération de la Bulgarie au bout de 5 siècles de joug ottoman. Le 3 mars 1878 est signé le Traité..
L'UE et l'OTAN ont envoyé leurs vœux à la Bulgarie à l'occasion de sa fête nationale le 3 mars. dans son profil sur X le Conseil de l'UE souhaite en..
Il y a des signes démographiques positifs en Bulgarie, mais personne n'en parle, a déclaré sur la chaîne bTV le maître de conférences Gueorgui Bardarov,..