Tenyo Popminchev crea una ciencia del futuro que impresiona a las mentes más privilegiadas. No es casual que premios Nobel lo hayan señalado entre los diez jóvenes investigadores con potencial para hacer los próximos descubrimientos revolucionarios, a..
Borders – those of territories and ones that we draw within our own mind, alongside the challenge to walk across ban, fear and prejudice. Sometimes the price is our own life, but longing for freedom wins after all. A Bulgarian novel..
Sınırlar - topraklarda ve bilincimizdeki çizgiler ve yasaklar, bu yasakların ötesine geçmek istediğimizde önümüzdeki meydan okumaları, korkularımız ve önyargılarımız. Bazen hayatımızı kaybetme pahasına aşmak istediğimiz ve her zaman peşinde..
« Les tortues ont été les premières à se faire manger. Ensuite, les prisonniers passent aux grenouilles et aux couleuvres à collier, aux chiens et aux chats, aux moineaux et aux hérissons…..En 1952-1953 les prisonniers commencent à se nourrir..
“Turtles were the first to be captured and eaten on the island. Then camp prisoners would hunt frogs and water snakes, cats and dogs, jackdaws, hedgehogs and sparrows. The corpses of dead animals, of drowned horses, of pigs died of pestilence,..
Tres maestras de escuela, cargadas de fervor renacentista, llevan ya meses enseñando a los niños enfermos en la Clínica de Pediatría y Enfermedades Genéticas, de la ciudad de Plovdiv, sin cobrar ni un céntimo por su labor. Cuando a comienzos del año el..
En los años en los que la única publicación infantil occidental en Bulgaria era el cómic francés Pif, sólo las historias en viñetas de la revista búlgara Dugá (Arco Iris) se aproximan a las coloridas historias sobre papel satinado de aquél. Hoy en día..
In the years when the word comics was officially banned, the stories in pictures of Daga (Rainbow) magazine came close to the colorful stories of Pif magazine-the only foreign child magazine sold in Bulgaria. Today, some of the former artists, who..
Three Bulgarian women filled with renaissance fervor have been teaching for months sick children accommodated at the Plovdiv Clinic of Pediatrics and Genetic Diseases free of charge. In the beginning of 2017 the state authorities closed the..
Üç bayan öğretmen uyanış devrinin ateşiyle artık aylar boyunca Plovdiv'te pediatri ve genetik hastalıklar kliniğinde bir leva dahi almadan hasta çocuklara ders veriyorlar. Yıl başında devlet bu hastaneye bağlı okulu kapatma kararı verdikten sonra, o anda..
Nous célébrons le 147 e anniversaire de la Libération de la Bulgarie au bout de 5 siècles de joug ottoman. Le 3 mars 1878 est signé le Traité..
L'UE et l'OTAN ont envoyé leurs vœux à la Bulgarie à l'occasion de sa fête nationale le 3 mars. dans son profil sur X le Conseil de l'UE souhaite en..
Il y a des signes démographiques positifs en Bulgarie, mais personne n'en parle, a déclaré sur la chaîne bTV le maître de conférences Gueorgui Bardarov,..