El 22 de febrero se cumplen 90 años del nacimiento de Kichka Sávova, una de las cantantes tracias más célebres. Todos los que la conocieron en vida guardan en su corazón el recuerdo de una persona con talento, muy bondadosa y amable. Kichka..
February 22 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of Kichka Savova - one of the most significant singers from Bulgaria's Thrace folklore region. All who knew her during her lifetime keep in their hearts the memory of a talented, truly good, bright and..
The premier of New Beginning , a show by the Fire Theatre – a non-verbal theatre and pantomime formation that has boldly been experimenting with fire theatre and dance – is on 28 October in the ancient Thracian town called Kabile near Yambol...
The collection "Selected songs from Kichka Savova ’s repertoire" presents 20 emblematic examples of Thracian folklore , performed by the famous Bulgarian folk singer during her lifetime. The publication will be distributed free of charge in Bulgaria..
The International Children's Day at New Bulgarian University in Sofia promises to be colorful, cheerful and very entertaining. The students and their professors have prepared the musical "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" by the composer..
2023 yılında Pleven Filarmonisi kuruluşunun 70’inci yılını kutluyor. Filarmoni, kutlamalara Borislav Yotsov tarafından yönetilen bir dizi konserle gerçekleştiriyor. Kendi içinde, bu program aynı zamanda olağanüstü bir etkinlik, çünkü ünlü bir caz..
In 2023 the Pleven Philharmonic is celebrating its 70 th anniversary with a series of concerts, the first of which, conducted by Borislav Yotsov, setting the stage for a superb string of festive events. The programme is an event in itself, as it..
În 2023, artistul va fi prezentat în cadrul festivalului. În 2023, Filarmonica din Pleven (Plevna) își va sărbători cea de-a 70-a aniversare. O face printr-o serie de concerte, dintre care primul, dirijat de Borislav Yoțov, a marcat startul strălucitor..
La música de Monk and More , un proyecto de autor del afamado pianista intérprete de jazz y compositor búlgaro Mario Stanchev, sonará el 10 de enero en una de las salas de conciertos de la Ópera de Lyon. El proyecto será presentado por Mario Stanchev..
Desde hace siglos el recibimiento del Año Nuevo es uno de los momentos más importantes en la tradición búlgara. No se trata simplemente de un cambio en el calendario, sino de una frontera que hay que cruzar efectuando una variada serie de ritos..
La cathédrale "Saint Alexandre Nevski" est en fête ce 23 novembre. Symbole de la capitale bulgare, elle a été construite en "signe de reconnaissance au..
Véliko Tarnovo est la ville en Bulgarie avec le plus grand nombre de sites historiques et culturels. Si on fait une escale dans une autre ville, pour..
La vieille remontée mécanique du village Govedartsi, région de Samokov, qui transportait les touristes jusqu'au mont Maliovitsa dans le Rila, sera remplacée..