Podcast en français

author: Yoan Kolev

Mobile application helps expose illegal logging and law violations in forests

Logging is a serious problem across Bulgarian forests which wouldn’t stop causing alarm among the society, as well as among environmentalists, foresters and state institutions. Data of environmental organizations says that some 1% of the..

27.07.17 13:00 |

Une application mobile contre l’abattage criminel des arbres

La coupe illégale d’arbres est un grave problème qui préoccupe sérieusement institutions, militants écolos, agents forestiers mais aussi tout un chacun en Bulgarie. Des chiffres éloquents ont été publiés par les organisations de protection de..

27.07.17 11:01 |

White Rabbit Red Rabbit - show of spontaneous action

How does a theatre play without producer and rehearsals sounds like? You are wrong if you think that such play is impossible. We are to tell you about the White Rabbit Red Rabbit monodrama where both the audience and the actor have not idea what..

26.04.17 11:25 |

“Conejo blanco, conejo rojo”, el espectáculo de acción espontánea

¿Cómo suena actuar sin puesta en escena y sin director ni ensayos? Quien piense que no es posible estará en un error. Hablaremos del monoespectáculo “Conejo blanco, conejo rojo”, en el que ni el público ni el actor saben lo qué sucederá. Lo único que..

19.04.17 13:27 |

Recycle, save this planet !

Latest data show that some 7.3 bln. people live on the Earth. The waste we throw away is a problem for this planet which however is not discussed sufficiently yet. At the same time the so-called green initiatives have been growing in number..

17.04.17 11:05 |

“Beyaz tavşan, kırmızı tavşan” - her defa değişik bir tiyatro temsili

Yönetmen ve provası olmayan tiyatro temsili olabilir mi sizce? Olamaz derseniz, hata yapıyorsunuz. Şimdi sizlere “Beyaz tavşan, kırmızı tavşan” temsilini anlatacağız. Burada ne izleyiciler, ne de artist ne olacağını bilmez. Yapımcılar Eva Ruseva ve..

12.04.17 10:24 |

Geri dönüşümlü ürün kullanalım ve gezegeni kurtaralım

Son verilere göre Yerküremizde yaklaşık 7 milyar 300 milyon insan yaşamaktadır. Bundan dolayı atıklar artık bütün gezegen için ciddi problem yaratıyor. Son yıllarda yeşil inisiyatifler yaygınlık kazandı. Sayıları da arttı. Her gün her yerden çevrenin..

10.04.17 14:45 |

Recycler pour sauver la planète !

Selon les derniers chiffres, la planète Terre est peuplée de 7.3 milliards d’êtres humains. Les déchets qu’ils produisent sont un grand problème, dont on ne parle toujours pas assez. Toutefois les initiatives vertes se multiplient ces dernières années...

10.04.17 12:05 |

Travelling is a passion keeping you alive

What is truly exciting for today's kids? It is hard to answer this question as throughout most of the day their attention is fully dedicated to their electronic devices. Walking down the street with eyes fixed on small shiny screens they do not..

09.04.17 11:00 |

La passion des voyages nous maintient en vie

A quoi s’intéressent les enfants de nos jours ? Difficile de répondre à cette question, surtout quand on les voit au quotidien, immergés dans le monde virtuel de leurs gadgets numériques, marchant dans la rue les yeux rivés sur l’écran du..

06.04.17 12:07 |