La otra Bulgaria. Son los miles de búlgaros, expulsados al extranjero después del golpe de estado pro soviético del 9 de septiembre de 1944. Esparcidos por el mundo entero ellos viven con la imagen de la patria, con su pasado discutible,..
„I have heard Blaga Dimitrova being described as a misunderstanding – a woman, and a poetess at that and so very rational. Critics who often reproach her of being ‘notional’ also blame her for a knack ‘to invent’.” These are words of celebrated..
This year again Bulgaria joined the European Researchers’ Night. Apart from Sofia it was held in Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Rousse and Stara Zagora and in further 300 European cities. In Bulgaria the program of events was organized by the British Council...
On December 30, 1992, President Zhelyu Zhelev’s economic advisor Professor Lyuben Berov became Bulgaria’ s new Prime Minister right after the fall of the cabinet headed by Premier Philip Dimitrov. Lyuben Berov was in charge of the country for two whole..
The beginning of the 1990’s was a time of faith, hope and love. However, there was a lack of wisdom, Petko Kovachev, who was back then a member of the Independent Students’ Association and Ecoglastnost, said. 1990 was marked by a series of significant..
Ένα από τα σύμβολα της Βουλγαρίας είναι η Μονή του Αγίου Ιωάννη της Ρίλα, γνωστή απλώς και ως Μοναστήρι της Ρίλα. Κηρύχθηκε εθνικό ιστορικό μνημείο το 1976, ενώ το 1983 εντάχθηκε στον Κατάλογο Παγκόσμιας Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς της ΟΥΝΕΣΚΟ. Το εμβαδόν..
Hoy en día concebimos la radio como algo usual, pero para la gente en las primeras decenas del siglo pasado fue un verdadero fenómeno. Al principio la radio reunía a las personas en las plazas, en las cantinas, en los salones de los ciudadanos más..
The famous Boyana Church near Bulgaria’s capital Sofia entered the UNESCO world heritage list due to its wonderful medieval frescos. However, the Church of St Peter situated at the left bank of Nishava River, some 1 kilometer west from the..
L’église de Boyana près de Sofia avec ses magnifiques fresques médiévales fait partie de la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO et jouit d’une grande notoriété. Tel n’est pas le cas de l’église « Saint Pierre » qui se trouve sur la rive gauche de la..
Potrivit unor informații neoficiale, președinția ungară a Consiliului UE a pregătit decizia pentru admiterea deplină a Bulgariei și României în Schengen...
Departamentul de Stat al SUA a publicat astăzi datele privind vizele de tip B refuzate pentru exercițiul financiar 2024. Pentru Bulgaria, acest procent..
Ambasadorul Bulgariei în Egipt, Deyan Katrachev, s-a întâlnit cu noul ministru egiptean al aviației civile, Sameh al-Hefny. În cadrul întâlnirii, care a..