In 2021, Radio Bulgaria celebrates 85years since its establishment. It was a Sunday, when the shortwave radio transmitter, known as “Elza” radio station, started broadcasts to Europe, North Africa and North America in Esperanto. “The radio..
Whether you approve of women’s day, 8 March, whether you think it is political, ideological or gender equality related, it is a fact with all of the controversy and fascination that go with it. Today we present a young woman who admits that the date, 8..
Segments of an old outfall, an old chair, outdated film rolls, an outworn plastic letter ‘S’ from an old Sofia inscription and lots of other different stuff, lined up in an exhibition can be seen currently at the central lobby of the National..
La Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes, la escuela superior de bellas artes más prestigiosa y antigua de este país, celebra el 120 aniversario de su fundación. Son muchas las personalidades de la vida pública y los intelectuales que a finales del siglo..
Mientras nos preguntamos cada vez más a menudo en qué tiempos vivimos, uno de los escultores búlgaros más conocidos a nivel mundial, Pavel Koychev, ha decidido invitar a su público a sus “días felices”. Hace apenas unos días inauguró en la..
One of Bulgaria’s most celebrated sculptors Pavel Koychev launched another project at Rayko Alexiev art gallery in Sofia. It was named Oh, Happy Days, Ohhh! “You probably know that Happy Days is the name of a play in two acts by Samuel Beckett...
On September 16 and 17 Harrow Leisure Centre in London is hosting the first Ancient Heritage folklore festival. The event is part of a process started a few years back by Georgi Anadolov aimed at reviving the Bulgarian spirit inside the..
Del 2 al 6 de septiembre en el Museo Etnográfico al aire libre Etar, en Gabrovo, se desarrollará la XIV Feria Internacional de los Oficios Tradicionales. “El acontecimiento es un producto museístico y tiene como tarea educar y no solo deleitar a..
In the period September 2 – 6 the Etar Ethnographic Open-Air Museum near the town of Gabrovo, Central North Bulgaria will host the 14 th International Fair of Traditional Crafts. “The event is a museum product and has the task to educate and..
La Fundación Lale, o sea tulipán, organizó una vez más en 2016 una serie de acontecimientos dedicados al Día Internacional del Padre, 19 de junio. El día del padre se celebra en más de 50 países cada tercer domingo del mes de junio. Fue celebrado por..
Programul de gestionare al guvernului va fi examinat săptămâna aceasta în cadrul unei reuniuni a Consiliului de Miniștri, a declarat prim-ministrul Rosen..
Mai multe festivități organizate astăzi în centrul Sofiei, vor marca 152 de ani de la moartea eroului-revoluționar Vasil Levski. Ceremonia de..
Până la 6,4 miliarde BGN (3,3 miliarde EUR) este deficitul planificat pentru 2025, ceea ce reprezintă 3% din PIB. Partea de cheltuieli nu va depăși..