More than 1,250,000 people have already become victims of coronavirus worldwide. The situation resembles a silent war with an invisible enemy who takes human lives every day and the battle with it is in the field of science and..
This year, the fear of the coronavirus pandemic has held in its grip people around the world. Even in the multi-million British capital, life is no longer the same, says Bulgarian Sabina Nedelcheva-Williams. She has lived abroad for more than 20 years..
Petya Peeva and Plamen Kostov get inspiration from shapes, colors and light and shadows in nature when they draw their paintings. Their works are like an ethereal imprint of animate and inanimate nature on the white canvas. At first glance..
Nearly 300,000 jobs have been preserved in Bulgaria since the beginning of 2020 due to measures and schemes negotiated between the social partners between March and October. However, other 103,000 jobs were lost. The people at risk of..
2020 marks the 100 th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. Regrettably, the coronavirus pandemic has caused the celebration of such memorable events to be cancelled. In..
In Bulgaria, the date of November 10, 1989 is perceived as the beginning of the transition from Socialism to democracy. Three decades of slow readjustment of Bulgarian society followed. However, the initial joy and hope for a better life..
Even in the year in which thousands of tourist reservations from abroad have been cancelled due to the danger of spreading the coronavirus, Bulgaria still remains an attractive destination for young people who come here to gain knowledge in..
“It is only natural for China and India to win gold medals at physics and astrophysics Olympiads, after all 20% of the world’s population lives there, but it is supernatural for small Bulgaria to be right there, next to them...
Bulgarians are adaptive people; they can live and work anywhere in the world. But this does not prevent them from feeling nostalgia for the "lost" homeland and they are always looking for Bulgarian things, whether it is about..
A growing number of Bulgarians have been leaving Bulgaria to live in other countries – temporarily or for good. Seventeen years ago this was a choice made by poetess Tatyana Daskalova from Rousse. She travelled to Great..
Bulgaria a depus o cerere pentru un raport de convergență extraordinar, pe baza înțelegerii că țara îndeplinește criteriile pentru a intra în zona euro, a..
Miniștrii Agriculturii din Bulgaria, Ungaria, România și Slovacia au cerut Comisiei Europene să restabilească cotele de import de dinainte de război..
Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei destinații pentru o plimbare plăcută în inima muntelui, puteți alege secțiunea Lakatița a Muntelui Rila. Vă sugerăm să..