Dexterity, singleness of purpose, flight of the imagination and a great deal of knowledge of material properties – that is what it takes if you want to be a handicraft artisan. Handicrafts are among the oldest human activities that have come down..
On 24 June the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honours one of the most revered Christian saints – John the Baptist. In folklore tradition the day is called Enyovden , Midsummer’s day, and it is connected with different rituals and beliefs connected..
The paintings by Vladimir Dimitrov – the Master are instantly recognizable. So original, vivid and stunning are his paintings that once seen, they cannot be forgotten. Particularly striking are the women in his works,..
The Bulgarian Community in Argentina has been recently in the focus in one of the cultural spaces in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia– Professor Vasil Gergov Hall at the National Donation Fund “13 Centuries Bulgaria”. In the presence of many guests..
Almost 160 lifesaving medicaments have disappeared from the domestic market in just one year, patients say. But it is not only patients, doctors are also complaining of a lack of medicines in the country. Questions about 450 different..
The video project Beat. by the Fine Acts foundation has been watched by more than 120,000 users in the space of just one year after being posted on different online platforms. What the authors of this intriguing social experiment are after is..
Lawyers from the “Access to Information Program” (AIP Foundation) have analyzed the state of access to information in Bulgaria in 2018 in a report. The report is annual and has been published since 2001 without interruption. The conclusion of..
Bulgaria’s capital Sofia hosted for the 15 th time an international scientific-practical conference for education and rehabilitation of children with impaired hearing. The conference is held under the motto You Hear. Doctors, speech..
“Our chitalishte (community culture club) is now the only place left for cultural and festive events”, say the people from Dolni Bogrov. They add they regret not having a school because it is a big village with many children. The local..
According to Eurobarometer data, the involvement of young people in volunteer activities, organizations or elections has gone up in recent years. More than half of young Europeans say education and the acquisition of skills is a top priority...
Miniștrii Agriculturii din Bulgaria, Ungaria, România și Slovacia au cerut Comisiei Europene să restabilească cotele de import de dinainte de război..
Podul Giurgiu-Ruse va fi închis complet traficului rutier, timp de 12 ore, în două intervale distincte din luna martie, din cauza lucrărilor de reparație,..
Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei destinații pentru o plimbare plăcută în inima muntelui, puteți alege secțiunea Lakatița a Muntelui Rila. Vă sugerăm să..