Thousands of kilometers separate Bulgaria and Japan and perhaps that is the main reason behind the fact there are just 400 Bulgarians living in Japan. Probably, each one of them has their interesting stories to share and could talk about..
“I do not like what people write today, it is dull, what really appeals to me and touches the heart is in my own head,” wrote the young Anton Pavlovich Chekhov to his editor Aleksey Suvorin in 1888. These are the words a “circle” of young authors..
The year is almost coming to an end and it is time to draw up a balance sheet and see what has been done and what can be done better next year. 2019 will be a year of elections and the politicians are now generous in their promises. They are..
Acidophilic bacteria were discovered and depicted by science in the early 20 th century. In 1963 Armenian microbiologist Levon Erzinkian isolated the specific strain, which he patented a year later. Since then acidophilic milk, fermenting..
Despite the fact population in this country has been declining at a rapid pace, apocalyptic predictions that Bulgarians will disappear as a nation are unfounded. This is what researchers of the Institute for Population and Human Studies at the..
Alexander Dimitrov, CEO of the telecommunications company А1 Bulgaria, was named Manager of the Year for 2018 at an official ceremony held at the Sofia Opera and Ballet. The competition has been organized by Manager business magazine for..
Over 1 million Bulgarians in active age are considering emigrating abroad and most of them are people whose incomes are lower than the average monthly salary of EUR 571. Nearly 1.5 million Bulgarians already emigrated in the past 30 years. In..
Thank You Lord for letting us see the sunrise again and let us enjoy the sunset, too – such prayers and words of thankfulness used to give the start of each new day in the small village of Gumoshtnik (Lovech district) situated near the town of..
People say we have been living in times when everything is measured in money and everything has its price. Most Bulgarians, however, believe that there are things that cannot be bought with money. We believe in universal human values that..
"Let's look," is a call that welcomes us to the exhibition of paintings by Miglena Savova-Auclair in Sofia. This is the first solo exhibition of the talented Bulgarian artist who has been living and working for many years in Geneva. Colors in..
Miniștrii Agriculturii din Bulgaria, Ungaria, România și Slovacia au cerut Comisiei Europene să restabilească cotele de import de dinainte de război..
Dacă sunteți în căutarea unei destinații pentru o plimbare plăcută în inima muntelui, puteți alege secțiunea Lakatița a Muntelui Rila. Vă sugerăm să..
Slujba festivă de sfințire a noului lăcaș de cult ortodox bulgar din Londra, a fost prezidată de Sanctitatea Sa Patriarhul Bulgariei Daniel, care a slujit..