"A concert with original music is a wonderful way for a person to celebrate his birthday," one of the most eminent and creative jazz musicians on the Bulgarian scene, percussionist Hristo Yotsov, says with a smile. For the third..
On 25 January 1935, Tsar Boris III signed the decree establishing the Bulgarian National Radio. The document, which officially marked the beginning of "Radio Sofia", as the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) was then called, made radio broadcasting in Bulgaria..
"Hello, my name is Marin Marinov, I am an artist and I am currently an assistant professor of fine art painting under Professor Kiril Bozhkov at the National Academy of Arts in Sofia. This is the starting point of a kaleidoscopic story that will take us,..
Turning a new page, 2025 comes with hope and faith in better days, in peace that will prevail, in happiness and love. On the first day of January - Golyam Sechko, as it is known in the Bulgarian tradition - the mood is upbeat and smiles are everywhere...
The first Trahana Festival in Bulgaria will take place this Saturday, August 3. The event, which celebrates the memory of ancestors encoded in traditional Bulgarian food as a gift from nature, will be held in the village square of Pelevun, a village in..
We are just a few days away from the start of the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games. For the third time in modern history, and exactly a century after it last hosted the event, the most important sports forum will once again be held in Paris, the French..
A total of 396 Bulgarian schools have been registered abroad for the 2024/2025 academic year, in 43 countries on six continents. This was announced by Vanya Balcheva, head of the Directorate for Education of Bulgarians Abroad and School Network at..
Starting today until June 23, Rome will be conquered by Bulgarian cinema. For the 17th year in a row, one of the iconic places of the Italian capital - the House of Cinema (Casa del Cinema) in Villa Borghese is hosting the "Festival..
Philanthropy and the vision for the progress of Bulgarian science and education define the development of higher education in the country. One of the greatest and most significant benefactors in Bulgaria's history was Evlogy Georgiev, a man with an..
In the midst of this year's student candidate campaign, the question what the most desired major at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski” would be, sounds like a rhetorical one. In the past four years, the undisputed number one..
Primul pelican dalmațian din acest sezon a eclozat în urmă cu câteva zile în aria protejată Kalimok - Brașlen din apropierea orașului dunărean Tutrakan,..
Abordarea crizelor cu care se confruntă UE necesită consolidarea competitivității globale a Europei și asigurarea securității, a declarat președintele..
Ministerul Agriculturii și Alimentației va elabora un proiect de lege menit să normalizeze relațiile de-a lungul întregului lanț de aprovizionare - de la..