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author: Atanas Tsenov

« Descente » du gouvernement bulgare à Rome

L’attention des observateurs politiques à Sofia a été attirée ces quelques derniers jours par l’activation inhabituelle des relations bulgaro-italiennes. Les 9 et 10 novembre, la vice-première ministre en charge de la réforme judiciaire et..

15.11.17 14:36 |

Bulgaristan hükümetinin Roma “çıkarması”

Sofya’daki siyasi gözlemciler, son günlerde Bulgar-İtalyan ilişkilerinde sıradışı bir hareketlilik kaydettiler. 9 ile 10 Kasım günleri arasında Adalet reformundan sorumlu Başbakan yardımcısı ve Dışişleri bakanı Ekaterina Zahariyeva, Roma’ya çalışma..

15.11.17 13:03 |

Bulgarian cabinet’s landing in Rome

Political observers in Sofia have spotted some unusual activity within the Bulgarian – Italian relations over the past few days. Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva was on a working visit to Rome on November 9 –10 and spoke with her..

15.11.17 11:47 |
Komşu Makedonya’da aylarca süren protestolar ve siyasi gerginliğin ardından durum normale dönüşme yolunda ve Bulgaristan ülkenin krizden çıkış çabalarını destekliyor.

Makedonya’daki durumun normalleşmesini bekleyen Sofya Avrupa Birliği üyeliğini destekliyor

Bir kez daha iyi niyet gösteren ve komşu Makedonya’nın barışçıl yoldan gelişeceğine dair umut belirten Sofya, siyasi krizi atlatmış gibi görünen Üsküp’e el uzattı. Aylarca süren siyasi gerginliğin ardından Makedonya Cumhurbaşkanı George İvanov,..

22.05.17 14:28 |
Après des mois de confrontations, la Macédoine semble sortir de la crise politique. La Bulgarie fait part de ses meilleures intentions à l'égard du pays voisin.

La Bulgarie soutient la Macédoine sous certaines conditions

La crise politique en Macédoine semble être surmontée, depuis que mercredi dernier le Président Gjorge Ivanov s’est enfin résolu à remettre le mandat pour former un gouvernement au leader du Parti social-démocrate Zoran Zaev. Le Premier ministre bulgare..

22.05.17 14:21 |

Sofia expects normalization of situation in Macedonia, upholds its EU accession

Sofia has once again showed good will and hope for the peaceful development of the situation in Macedonia after the overcoming of the political crisis there. After months of political tensions Macedonian President George Ivanov has finally..

22.05.17 12:02 |

Avec 32% de confiance le gouvernement Borissov 3 a du pain sur la planche

Selon un sondage de Gallup International effectué avant le scandale sur les penchants nazis de certains membres du gouvernement, l’administration GERB-PU commence son mandat avec à peine 32% de cote de confiance, ce qui est à peu près le même score..

20.05.17 10:15 |

Confidence towards Borissov 3 cabinet is at 32%: Gallup International

The confidence towards Bulgaria’s new cabinet formed by GERB and the United Patriots is at 32%. The level of confidence towards the country’s government is close to the one of Borissov 2 cabinet. Meanwhile, 55% of the Bulgarians show mistrust towards..

20.05.17 07:00 |

Press Review

Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate on Thursday on the resignation of the newly-appointed Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Pavel Tenev. “The Bulgarian cabinet sacrifices a Deputy Minister in an attempt to avoid a Nazi..

18.05.17 11:08 |

Press Review

Bulgaria’s printed media accentuate on Wednesday on the meeting between Bulgaria’s nominee for EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel and EC President Jean Claude Juncker. The President of the European Commission was satisfied with the discussion with..

17.05.17 11:33 |
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