Eмисия новини
от 09.00 часа

author: Atanas Tsenov

Police outrages continue, bring government down to its knees

As the so-called police protests enter their third day, social tension has been mounting. And once again, Bulgaria will, apparently, never be the same. On Tuesday, with complete contempt for laws or regulations, professional ethics or any..

05.11.15 13:50 |

Pensées tourmentées au sujet de la réparation des MiG-29 en Pologne

Jeudi dernier à Varsovie, le ministre de la Défense Nicolaï Nentchev et son homologue polonais Tomasz Siemoniak ont enfin signé le fameux contrat de réparation et modernisation de nos avions de chasse de marque russe MiG-29. Il s’agit de la réparation..

25.10.15 13:10 |

¿Encierra riesgos la decisión de reparar en Polonia los aviones búlgaros MiG?

El ministrio de Defensa, Nikolay Nenchev, por fin cumplió la recomendación del Consejo de Ministros y el jueves firmó en Varsovia un acuerdo con su homólogo polaco, Tomas Shemoniak, según el cual en empresas polacas se repararán seis motores de cazas..

25.10.15 12:21 |

Any potential risk in Bulgaria’s Poland-related MiG-29s' repair decision?

On Thursday Defense Minister Nikolay Nenchev signed in Warsaw an agreement with his Polish counterpart Tomasz Siemoniak on the repair of six engines of Russian MiG-29s from this country’s Air Forces. Each repair will cost EUR 1,023,000. Both ministers..

25.10.15 09:00 |

Bulgaria in Schengen? The saga continues

Bulgarian politicians and political analysts have been forecasting in recent months that in the autumn of 2015 Bulgaria would finally join the Schengen Area, although its accession would be partial in the beginning, i.e. by air borders..

12.10.15 14:57 |

Bulgaristan’ın Schengen üyeliği neden bir türlü mümkün olamıyor?

Aylardır siyaset adamlarımız ve gözlemciler, sonbaharda Bulgaristan’ın şimdilik sırf havadan ve denizden olmak üzere kısmen olsa bile nihayet Schengen alanına katılacağı yönünde tahminlerde bulunuyorlardı. Bulgar yetkilileri, bu yönde ilk adımın 8 ve 9..

12.10.15 14:36 |

UN General Assembly - issues of migration and ISIS remain unresolved

The curtain has fallen, the actors left the stage with the sense of a duty fulfilled, and the audience was confused. So the highly advertised 70 th session of the UN General Assembly closed at the end of this week in New York. It was expected that..

04.10.15 09:05 |

La ONU, los asuntos de la migración y el Estado islámico siguen sin resolver

El telón cayó, los actores se fueron con la sensación de haber cumplido su deber y el público quedó confundido. A finales de la semana que despedimos en Nueva York terminó la tan sonada sesión 70 de la Asamblea General de la ONU. Se esperaba que la..

04.10.15 08:04 |

Yerel seçim kampanyası başladı

Bulgaristan’da 25 Ekim’de yapılacak yerel seçimler kampanyası Cuma günü başladı. Hiç kimse bu ilk seçim önü kampanya gününde anlı, şanlı şeyler beklemiyordu, ama böyle sıkıcı ve rutin bir başlangıç da hayal etmiyordu. Bazı politikacılar yönetimdeki GERB..

28.09.15 12:52 |

Local election campaign starts in Bulgaria

Nobody expected much excitement on Friday, when the political campaign before the local elections officially kicked off in Bulgaria, but the start was especially boring this time. One of the explanations may be the expectation of some politicians..

27.09.15 16:27 |
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