Eмисия новини
от 15.00 часа

author: Darina Grigorova

Lent – a time of spiritual enlightenment and healing

Shrovetide is the last day before Lent, also known as Forgiveness Sunday. This is a day when all Orthodox Christians ask each other for forgiveness in the hope that they will receive absolution. Once, after Vespers, families used..

02.03.14 08:00 |

Kreshmët e Mëdha – koha e ringjalljes shpirtërore

Të Lidhurit e Djathit janë e diela e parë para Kreshmëve. Sipas traditës këtë ditë të krishterët ortodoksë ia falin gabimet njëri-tjetrit. Dikur, pas meshës së mbrëmjes, familjet mblidheshin në shtëpi dhe të rinjtë u kërkonin më të moshuarve falje..

01.03.14 16:00 |

Stefka Tepavicharova descubre una cura contra el estrés y el envejecimiento

Sonriente y llena de energía y vitalidad, así es   la autora de una excelente serie de productos curativos con ingredientes extraídos de los lagos salados de Burgas, Stefka Tepavicharova.  Lleva casi 15 a ños trabajando sobre los preparados, elaborados..

01.03.14 09:00 |

Anne de Colbert-Christophorov: I am proud of my Bulgarian passport

“You live in a beautiful country with lots of resources – history, tourism, science. You have a promising future.” That is how artist Anne de Colbert – Christophorov sees Bulgaria – the country her husband Prof. Boyan Christophorov she has been..

28.02.14 11:33 |

Associate Professor Stefka Tepavicharova develops products fighting stress and aging

Associate Prof. Stefka Tepavicharova is the developer of a series of medicinal products from the salty lakes near Burgas. She is always smiling and seems full of vitality and energy. For 15 years she has been developing unique products based on..

27.02.14 13:53 |

Burgas kenti yakınındaki tuzlu göller şifa kaynağıdır

Burgas yakininda yer alan tuzlu göllerden tedavi edici ürün serisini geliştiren doç. Stefka Tepaviçarova, güler yüzlü, hayat ve enerji dolu bir kadındır. Yaklaşık 15 yıldır kendisi, Bulgaristan Bilimler Akademisi nezdindeki Genel ve Anorganik Kimya..

27.02.14 11:51 |

Le Grand Carême : la voie du salut du corps et de l’âme…

Dans la tradition orthodoxe, le Dimanche du Pardon, appelé aussi dimanche de la Tyrophagie, désigne traditionnellement le dernier jour avant le début du Grand Carême. Les Vêpres du Pardon, célébrées à la fin de cette journée, nous invitent à demander et..

26.02.14 10:50 |

“National Geographic Channel” xhiron një seri filmash kushtuar Bullgarisë

“Explore Bulgaria” është projekti i ri i “National Geographic Channel”-it, i cili projekt do të prezantojë pikat historike e natyrore të Bullgarisë në syrin e katër hulumtuesve bullgarë. Dy nga pjesëmarrësit në ekspeditë do të zgjidhen nëpërmjet..

18.02.14 14:28 |

National Geographic Channel to shoot a reality in Bulgaria

Explore Bulgaria is the new project of the National Geographic Channel /NGC/ that will present unique natural and historical landmarks in this country, as seen by four Bulgarian explorers. Two of the participants in this expedition will be..

18.02.14 13:25 |

National Geographic Channel tourne les yeux vers la Bulgarie

"Explore Bulgaria" est le tout nouveau projet de National Geographic Channel, qui promet de présenter une partie du patrimoine historique et naturel de Bulgarie vu par quatre explorateurs bulgares. Deux des membres de l’expédition seront sélectionnés..

18.02.14 13:22 |
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