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author: Diana Tsankova

La radiante Micaela crece, a pesar de su cromosoma de más, en un mundo feliz

A la corta edad de 4 años Micaela reconoce todas las letras, enumera de memoria las letras del alfabeto búlgaro y recita la poesía “Habla patria, encantadora, dulce”. Según los médicos ella no debería ser capaz de hacer nada similar, porque..

15.01.20 13:20 |

Sunny Mikaela who is growing up in a happy world in spite of the state

At age four Mikaela knows all letters, can recite the alphabet and a poem by Ran Bosilek. According to doctors she should not be able to do any of these things. Mikaela was born with Down syndrome. When she gave birth to..

15.01.20 12:58 |

Zdravka Evtímova: “Quiero que los búlgaros mantengamos la frente en alto”

Hay historias aparentemente inspiradoras y hermosas, pero hundidas en un pantano de palabras enredadas. Hay también otras que inspiran de verdad y levitan en la mente con la liviandad de un pájaro. Desplegando alas, las historias de Zdravka..

14.01.20 16:46 |

From the world of fashion modelling to organic farming in Bulgarian village of Akandzhievo

One could find everything in the lives of Valentina Dimitrova and Christian Vassilev – from the glamour of the catwalk and camera flashes, to the love that sparked after a meeting on the other side of the world and the enthusiasm of..

14.01.20 16:32 |

Teacher from Hisarya will be Bulgaria’s representative image during Tokyo Olympics

A beautiful woman with a wreath of roses will be the image of Bulgaria during the Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo. A photo of her will be used for printing an anniversary stamp in Japan. Inspired by a painting by Vladimir Dimitrov -..

14.01.20 15:02 |

Une institutrice de Hissaria sera l’égérie de la Bulgarie aux JO à Tokyo

Une belle Bulgare avec une couronne de roses représentera la Bulgarie lors des Jeux Olympiques à Tokyo. Sa photo sera également affichée sur un timbre-poste au Pays du Soleil levant. S’inspirant d’un tableau de Vladimir..

14.01.20 14:54 |
Sydeney ATP Cup turnuvasında Bulgar takımı(soldan sağa): Grigor Dimitrov, Aleksandır Lazarov, Dimitır Kuzmanov, Aleksandır Donski ve Adrian Andreev.

Sydney kortlarında parlayan yeni tenis yıldızlarımız

Dev isimler, sergiledikleri kusursuz performanslarıyla, sadece hayranlık uyandırmakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda ilham kaynağı da oluyorlar. Kaptanlarının kanatları altında, dört Bulgar genç, sadece birkaç gün içinde cesurca savaş alanına girdi, savaşları..

09.01.20 13:25 |
Bulgarian team at ATP Cup in Sydney (left to right): Grigor Dimitrov, Alexander Lazarov,  Dimitar Kuzmanov, Alexander Donski and Adrian Andreev

Bulgarian tennis team drops out of ATP Cup in Sydney but gives birth to new stars

Great personalities inspire people with their passion and give them wings. Four Bulgarian tennis players, united around their captain, have become a team bravely facing challenges and eager for victories. "Every dream starts with faith," says..

08.01.20 15:11 |
L'équipe bulgare à l'ATP Cup à Sidney /de gauche à droite/ : Grigor Dimitrov, Alexandre Lazarov, Dimitar Kouzmanov, Alexandre Donski et Adrian Andréev

L’equipe bulgare de tennis a été éliminée, mais a révélé de nouvelles stars

On admire les grandes personnalités pour leurs brillantes performances, mais elles sont également source d’inspiration, de passion et donnent des ailes. 4 garçons bulgares, réunis autour de leur capitaine, sont devenus en quelques jours une équipe qui..

08.01.20 13:30 |

Hisarya’dan öğretmen Tokyo Olimpiyatlarında ülkemizin sembolü olacak

Başında gül çelenkli güzel bir Bulgaristan kadını, Tokyo'daki Olimpiyat Oyunları sırasında Bulgaristan'ın sembolü olacak. Fotoğrafı Japonya’da yıldönümüne ait bir posta pulu basmak için kullanılacak. Fotoğrafçı Dimitra Lefterova, büyük Bulgar ressam..

08.01.20 08:00 |
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