There are women among us who can tell about the long and hard journey they have gone through, in order to have a baby. Those can serve as an example for all the girls, planning babies, but postponing their pregnancy for the future. We live in a..
Many young people in Bulgaria ask themselves what it takes to start their own business. Start-up income is, of course, the most important thing, followed by a suitable office and a workable idea. But there is one essential thing we tend to..
Scientists, actors, musicians and poets can be found among the friends of the Grace & Gravity Circle. Their meetings resemble a rare space phenomenon that is remembered for good. The circle has once again gathered this year in Sofia, under the..
We tend to talk more and more often about the rights of children in Bulgaria as the reasons are numerous and often not celebratory at all. The International Children's Day on June 1 will pass again this year in a festive fashion but it would..
Blurred vision, feeling of weakness in the limbs, loss of balance, numbness and pain in the muscles - this is just a small part of the symptoms that multiple sclerosis sufferers experience. The disease affects mainly young people between 20 and 40..
Veliki Preslav is the second capital of the First Bulgarian Kingdom, Pliska being the first. After the year 893, when it was proclaimed capital of Bulgaria, it became the seat of the first Bulgarian literary school. The town remained a leading..
After close to 10 years as a member of NATO, is the Alliance still a strategic priority for Bulgaria and is the country in a capacity to uphold its interests and to avail itself of the advantages this membership offers? These were questions..
On the eve of the best-loved day in Bulgaria - 24 May, Day of the Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture, it has become something of a tradition to single out the worthy Bulgarians. This is a category in which fall people who have..
In springtime the countryside around the town of Banya near Karlovo is colourful, fresh and fragrant. The trees have shed their winter slumbers and are blossoming out in all shades and colours, the spring waters of Stryama River..
“Abril ha resultado el mes más trágico para los refugiados quienes tratan de atravesar el Mediterráneo desde África hacia Europa y a consecuencia de esto han muerto centenares de personas. Bulgaria también forma parte del camino de esta ola de..