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author: Stoimen Pavlov

Bulgaria tries not to be alternative to refugees’ Balkan route

Preliminary data claims that today’s EU–Turkey summit intends to put an end to the non-regulated migrant flow towards West and North Europe across the West Balkan countries. The flow along that route has been seriously restricted recently and..

07.03.16 13:51 |

Bulgaria se prepara para no ser una alternativa a la “Ruta balcánica” de los refugiados

Según una información preliminar, en la cumbre del lunes entre la UE y Turquía, los líderes europeos se proponen poner fin al flujo de migrantes indiscriminado hacia Europa Occidental y del Norte, a través de los países de los Balcanes Occidentales...

07.03.16 12:44 |

Idea on volunteer patrols for migrants wags the dogs

Media coverage of the story of young male by the name of Dinko from the town of Yambol, catching refugees with his bare hands and bullying them for no reason has caused a serious dispute over the week. The man’s idea on the establishment of..

27.02.16 16:32 |
La sociedad sigue desunida en cuanto a los migrantes, trátese de ilegales o de aquellos que han entrado según las reglas estipuladas.

Causa gran revuelo en Bulgaria la idea de que grupos de voluntarios “cacen” a inmigrantes ilegales

Escritos en los medios informativos que señalaban cómo un hombre joven de nombre Dinko había arrestado reiteradamente a inmigrantes ilegales a lo largo de la frontera de Bulgaria con Turquía sometiéndolos luego a malos tratos desató la semana pasada..

27.02.16 09:00 |

Yunanistan sınırındaki ablukalar çığrından çıktı...

Bugün Yuanistan’da başbakan Çipras ile Bulgaristan sınırını kapatan ve protesto gösterilerini düzenleyen Yunan çiftçiler arasında bir dizi görüşmeler daha yapılması bekleniyor. Bir aydan fazla bir zamandır iki ülke arasında kara sınırlardan geçişler..

25.02.16 15:06 |

Los bloqueos en la frontera con Grecia tienden a complicarse

Este jueves, día 25 de febrero, se esperan en Grecia las enésimas conversaciones del primer ministro heleno, Alexis Tsipras, con los granjeros en protesta que mantienen bloqueada la frontera con Bulgaria. Por espacio de más de un mes,las comunicaciones..

25.02.16 13:54 |

Border blockades with Greece - a compounded problem

One more round of talks is expected in Greece today between Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and farmers who have been blocking the border with Bulgaria. It has been close to one month since communications by land between the two countries have..

25.02.16 13:31 |

L'extension du conflit frontalier bulgaro-grec à la Macédoine est à craindre

Aujourd’hui en Grèce se déroule le énième tour de négociations entre le gouvernement d’Alexis Tsipras et les agriculteurs grecs en colère, qui bloquent les principales routes du pays, la frontière gréco-turque et la frontière avec la Bulgarie. Cela fait..

25.02.16 13:04 |

Sınırın bu tarafında Yunan çiftçilerin “mutsuzluğunun kışı”sona erdiğine inanmıyorlar

Pazar günü Ulaştırma Bakanı İvaylo Moskovski’nin çağırısından sonra Yunanistan sınırında Bulgar nakliyecilerinin Yunan çiftçilerin protesto eylemlerine cevap olarak kontra ablukası kaldırıldı. Nakliyeciler, sınır noktalarının, öte taraftaki..

22.02.16 14:19 |

“Winter discontent” of Greeks unlikely to cease

The counter-blockade staged by Bulgarian truckers as a response to the protest actions of the Greek farmers was lifted on Sunday, after an appeal of Transport Minister Ivaylo Moskovski. The carriers claim they have unclogged the checkpoints for..

22.02.16 14:13 |
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