At the end of the month, the first foreign tourists will arrive in Bulgarian on charter flights and the beaches on the Black Sea coast will become more bustling with life. The presence of holidaymakers will have a good effect on the tourist..
Citizens will go out in protest tonight in the Black Sea city of Burgas to voice their dissatisfaction with a new construction in the protected area of Alepu on the Black Sea coast. The construction is supposedly a retaining wall according to the..
Increased police presence with stationary and mobile patrols will be available tonight, as well as on Saturday and Sunday, in Bulgaria's resorts of Sunny Beach and Nessebar on the Black Sea coast . The reason is the opening of the season in several..
At 23 beaches along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, beach accessories would be free of charge, Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova announced in Sunny Beach. At the seaside, the Minister held a series of meetings with representatives of tourism..
On June 1 the beaches will be ready to welcome tourists. I hope that the tourist season will start on this date, Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism Nikolina Angelkova said. The capacity of the tourist facilities may be reduced by 30% to 50% due to the..
The Black Sea coast remains the most-preferred summer holiday destination for the Bulgarian citizens in 2017, a quick survey of Gallup International sociological agency shows. Over 1.3 million adult Bulgarians have spent their summer holiday at the..
National statistics reported growth of 18.6% over the initial 2 months of 2017. Winter tourism has contributed the most to the good result, as this country has offered some of the best skiing conditions within the whole of Europe due to abundant..