Seven parties would enter the new parliament if the elections were held today, according to a Gallup International poll, commissioned by the Bulgarian National Radio. The poll has shown the following: 28.2% would vote for..
In 2021, Radio Bulgaria celebrates 85years since its establishment. It was a Sunday, when the shortwave radio transmitter, known as “Elza” radio station, started broadcasts to Europe, North Africa and North America in Esperanto. “The radio..
The mandates of directors-general of the Bulgarian National Radio and the Bulgarian National Television are to be extended from 3 to 5 years. Upon termination of the term of office of the Director General, the term of office of..
The Bulgarian language editorial team of Radio Bulgaria are the ones that together with the reporters from the former Central Information Service, have been responsible for the creation of a significant part of the articles and broadcasts that..
Quite a few pages from the rich history of the oldest electronic media in this country have stored information about broadcasting specialized programs aimed at children's audience, as in the beginning broadcasts were entirely live. Their start..
On June 6, 2016, the listeners of the Bulgarian National Radio heard the bulletin on the level of the Danube in centimeters. The bulletin was needed for the unimpeded passage of ships through the Bulgarian section..
Dear Sir/Madam, We would like to inform you that the Bulgarian National Radio has started a public procurement procedure with subject: " National representative marketing research of audience’s media consumption of radio programs in the..
There are 10 finalists in the national campaign "Enlightener of the Year 2020", organized by the Bulgarian National Radio . For 7 years now, voting has determined the people who inspire all of us these days, create changes and do good deeds...
No one has ever attempted to use me to exert political influence on the public radio broadcaster , Director General of the Bulgarian National Radio Andon Baltakov said during the Career Hive fair in Sofia. Andon Baltakov categorically said that he..
Hayes & Y are the winners in the "Spring 2020" music contest of the Bulgarian National Radio. Their song "Call The Police" has won the Grand Prix - participation in "Eurosonic 2021" in Groningen, the Netherlands. Winner of the Special Debut..