Today is the first sitting of the 45 th National Assembly elected on April 4. If we look for the symbolism in the choice of the date - April 15, we will see that it is framed by two important events related to the history of Bulgarian..
After the refusal of the current ruling party GERB, the mandate to form a government goes to TV showman Slavi Trifonov whose party "There is Such a People" (ITN) became the second political force in Bulgaria after the elections. In an..
“There Is Such a People” (ITN) party which emerged second at the 2021 general elections in Bulgaria will not participate at coalitions with GERB, MRF and BSP, the party’s Deputy Chairman Toshko Yordanov said for Horizont channel of the Bulgarian..
The Executive Bureau of the Bulgarian Socialist Party has resigned, but party leader Korneliya Ninova has not filed a resignation. This was what Ninova reported herself at a briefing after the "heavy loss" of the Socialists, who..
6 political parties are sure to enter the new Bulgarian parliament, according to the parallel vote tabulation of Gallup International with 100% of the Gallup representative sample. The GERB-SDS coalition won the parliamentary elections with..
The BSP has proposed changes to the Electoral Code in order to clear the voter lists of "dead souls" through active registration as well as video surveillance of the counting of ballots and writing protocols. This was what the party's..
Parliamentary elections in Bulgaria are in the offing. With the start of the new year, the political forces seem to be swinging into action. President Rumen Radev, who is to set the exact date for the holding of the parliamentary..
Bulgaria's Constitutional Court has opened a case at the request of the Bulgarian Socialist Party . The opposition party considers unconstitutional the decision that MPs placed in isolation because of Covid-19 should be allowed to participate in..
A protest of citizens in front of the Bulgarian Ministry of Health caused a brief tension in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia on Tuesday night. The discontent of the protesters was caused by the anti-epidemic measures adopted by this country’s..
A GERB-SDS coalition would earn 15.9% of the votes and the Bulgarian Socialist Party would earn 15% of the votes if Parliamentary elections were held today, a sociological survey conducted by Sova Harris, customized by Trud daily, shows. GERB..