This year the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will take part in the initiative "European Heritage Days - Sofia". On 17 September, within the framework of the event, a guide will show the guests around the Academy and introduce them to the history..
An exhibition of Bulgarian artists belonging to the Art Brut movement will be unveiled tonight at the gallery of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Paris. The exhibition is entitled “Outside the Box”. In 1945, artist Jean Dubuffet coined the..
Art as a connecting element between different cultures, morality and a sense of empathy are explored by Ivan Milushev and Yasharali Tahir in their joint exhibition called "Closeness". It is arranged in the "Mission" gallery at the..
Starting today until August 28, the Palace of Culture and Sports in Varna is hosting the automobile exhibition "Palace Auto Varna 2022 E-Mobility" - the largest specialized exhibition for green cars in Bulgaria, BNR Varna reports. Leading car..
Did you know that the world's first lasting photograph was an image of the moon? It was made by the Frenchman Louis Daguerre in 1839. On August 19 of the same year, the photographic method invented by him - daguerreotype - was recognized by the..
A growing number of towns and villages in Bulgaria are being revived as their central districts are being transformed into special zones where art, culture and quality food combine in a perfect mix of sensations. Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna,..
The reverence of the Orthodox world for the icons of the Mother of God and the saints is particularly strong. They are a means of communication with the Lord, which is why the faithful address their prayers to them. "The living faith..
A group of researchers are on the trail of the places that have kept the memory of Bulgaria, so as to outline the country’s cultural bounds outside its national borders. These include monuments, war graves, fortresses, churches, monasteries..
Scientists from the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore with an Ethnographic Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences have visited and studied dozens of places in Turkey, Greece, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Romania, Albania, Russia, Italy,..
The porcelain and ceramics exhibition by renowned Czech designer Roman Šedina will remain as part of the cultural programme of the Czech cultural centre in Sofia. After being shown in Sofia, the exhibition is now on display in Burgas on the Black Sea..