Members of the European Parliament LIBE Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group are to come to Bulgaria at the end of September to investigate the police brutality against protesters during last year’s anti-government protests..
Bulgaria’s Constitutional Court has annulled the amendment to the Obligations and Contracts Act (article 112), by which the previous National Assembly enforced a ten-year limitation period for obligations of natural persons. 10 magistrates voted in..
U.S. Senators Bob Menendez ( U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman ) and Jim Risch (member of the committee), have published a joint statement on the Bulgaria-US relations at the start of the official campaigning period for the..
“The European Parliament’s democracy monitoring group is discussing, on 5 February, whether to organize a mission at the end of summer to look into corruption and the rule of law in Bulgaria,” Bulgarian Progressive Alliance of Socialists and..
A special prosecutor will have the capacity to investigate the activities of Bulgaria's chief prosecutor. This was finally decided by the majority in the National Assembly. All members of the Supreme Judicial Council will be able to make nominations..
The approval, at first reading in parliament, of the creation of the figure of a prosecutor to investigate the Prosecutor General of Bulgaria took the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) by surprise. This is what..
The Monitoring Group on Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (DRFMG) at the European Parliament is to discuss the situation in Bulgaria at today's meeting. Representatives of the government and the Prosecutor's Office of Bulgaria,..
The Monitoring Group on Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights (DRFMG) in the European Parliament is not satisfied with the answers it received to written questions sent by it to the Bulgarian authorities about the course of the judicial reform,..
31 years ago on this day the transition to democracy began in Bulgaria. The hopes of the free citizens for a just society, free initiative and social Bulgaria have so far failed to materialize, this country’s President Rumen Radev wrote on Facebook...
Freedom, democracy and human rights are the cherished goals of European civilization. We must admit that they are far from being applied perfectly, Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev said in a lecture to the European Public Law Organization. Sometimes..