The agreement between the EU and Turkey has not been working effectively in its most important part, which is the right of European countries to return third-country nationals to Turkey. At the backdrop of threats from Turkish President Recep Tayyip..
Bulgarian Interior Minister Plamen Uzunov has prepared a proposal to the government calling for inspection of the facilities at the Bulgarian-Turkish border, as well as the finances absorbed for their construction. This is what the minister said in an..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has announced that the Bulgarian ambassador to Ankara Nadezhda Neynsky was called to Sofia to report on the situation in Turkey in relation to the preparation of the upcoming parliamentary elections on..
The State Agency "National Security" has announced that it has stripped two more Turkish nationals of the right to enter Bulgaria. One was expelled with a 5-year ban to enter the country because of activities posing a threat to national security. The..
The Bulgarian Interior Ministry has reported that in the period March 9 – 16 th , 46 migrants were detained while trying to enter Bulgaria from Turkey, which shows a minimal increase in migration pressure. Last week there were 34 cases and before..
Bulgarian caretaker Prime Minister Ognyan Gerdzhikov has said that Bulgaria's ambassador to Turkey Nadezhda Neynsky was called to Sofia to report about the preparations of the upcoming elections and received instructions related to reacting in..
SANS Chairman has ordered the "withdrawal of the right of residence" of a Turkish citizen as well as "prohibition of entry in Bulgaria" for a period of five years. The agency explained that this citizen was a threat to the national security of Bulgaria..
Asked by the Bulgarian National Radio to comment on the criticism Turkey levelled at Bulgaria that it is restricting the political rights of minorities, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs replied that Bulgarian citizens wishing to exercise..
Husseyin Muftuoglu, spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry called on Bulgaria to renounce practices aimed at restricting the political rights of minorities which runs counter to the European rules-based system. The Anatolian news agency..
The line of trucks queueing up at the "Kapitan Andreevo" border checkpoint with Turkey has reached 10 kilometers. The traffic is very intense, it was reported. In the region of Haskovo trucks will not be allowed on the "Maritsa" highway and E-80. The ban..