We are extremely concerned about the preliminary results of Alexei Navalny's tests at the Charite Hospital in Berlin, which show traces of poisoning of the Russian opposition leader . We urge the Russian authorities to conduct an immediate,..
Due to the ongoing restrictions on travel from third countries to EU countries, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry recommends that travellers from Bulgaria to EU countries and the Schengen area countries should not use transit flights through third..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairshas informed Bulgarian National TV that they have not been officially notified by the Turkish side of the establishment of a prohibited second degree military zone in close proximity to the..
O ver 2,000 Bulgarians have been transported back to Bulgaria from other countries since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. The exact number of those brought back home with the assistance of the foreign ministry is difficult to specify because of the..
Bulgaria has officially informed the Council of Europe about the state of emergency, introduced on 13 March, 2020, the law on measures and actions during the state of emergency, adopted on 23 March, 2020, and the amendments to the health act which..
Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls on all Bulgarian citizens to refrain from travelling abroad unless absolutely necessary. It also urges Bulgarians living abroad to "exercise high self-awareness and care for their loved ones by rethinking a..
The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry has announced that no Bulgarian nationals have been reported killed in the shootings at two mosques in New Zealand by 9.30 AM today . The Bulgarian diplomatic service in Canberra is in constant contact with the..
The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry has recommended that Bulgarian nationals restrict travel to Ukraine due to the martial law declared in the country. It is in effect as of 9 AM on 28 November 2018 until 9 AM on 28 December 2018, and affects 10 areas..
The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Bulgarian embassy in Tel Aviv have warned that public demonstrations are expected in connection with the US decision on Jerusalem’s status as capital of Israel. Bulgarians are advised not to travel to..
The risk of terrorist acts in Turkey continues high , the press centre of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declares. High-risk locations include tourist sites, town squares, ports, airports, railway stations, stadiums and sports halls, shopping..