The poverty line in this country will be raised to BGN 504 (EUR 257) next year, as the current level is 211 euros, a draft government decree discussed today at a meeting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation reads...
The largest Bulgarian trade union CITUB (Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria) has requested an extraordinary meeting of the Consultative Council for the European Green Deal , because of the Road Map to climate neutrality. The union is..
Library staff organized a one-hour warning strike today over the failure of the government to live up to an agreement on minimum basic starting salaries. Representatives of the trade union organizations stated that libraries are forced to..
Economic instability, the result of the war in Ukraine, and the growing energy prices have been producing a sense of turbulence and a fear of the future among entrepreneurs in Bulgaria, but also among the public. Right from the start of these..
Bulgarian government proposes compensations for the electricity prices for the month of May equal to 80% of the increase over 100 EUR/MWh . The measures for natural gas prices envisage 100% compensation of the price increase in May, the cabinet..
The largest Bulgarian trade union, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (KNSB), is pushing for the minimum wage to be increased to 760 leva (388 euro) from July 1. More than one minimum wage hike per year expected Ah..
Bulgaria’s trade unions welcome the decision of the authorities to allocate more money for social polcicies between the first and the second reading of the 2022 state budget. Meanwhile , however, they are calling on them to allocate..
The government has been considering a gradual increase in the minimum salary, as there will be more than one hike a year. This is what the President of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov has told BNR after an informal meeting with the Deputy Prime..
The low prevalence rate of Covid -19 among students - 0.035%, established after the introduction of mandatory testing, has shown the futility of the restrictive measure on students. This is the reason why the trade union "Education"..
Bulgaria is among the five EU member states where workers at minimum wage are left with less than half of their income after paying their rent (the other four countries are Spain, Luxembourg, Hungary and Portugal). This was reported..