In 2017 Bulgaria remained the country with the lowest wages in the EU, data of Eurostat shows. The average wage per hour in the European Union amounted to EUR 23, while in Bulgaria the hourly pay was four times lower- just over EUR 5 per hour. In..
On December 22 the Bulgarian Border Police marks its 130 th anniversary. A wreath-laying ceremony was held in front of the monument to Bulgarian policemen who lost their lives in performance of their duties. Officers from several border checkpoints..
The state has proposed to reduce next year the compensation for the first three days of sick leave, paid by the employer, from 70 to 50% of the normal wage. Money for mothers will be raised next year - from the current 170 euros to a level of 190 euros...
A survey of the average wages in the Balkans and in Bulgaria over the second quarter of 2017 was presented at an international meeting held in Sofia “Living standards in the focus of attention of the TUs.” The analysis indicates that the highest..
Now is the right time to call for higher wages in order for people to have more reasons to stay in Bulgaria, President of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB), Plamen Dimitrov, said in an interview for the Bulgarian National..
The minimum wages in Bulgaria’s healthcare system will increase between 15% and 35%. It became clear after the signature of the collective labor agreement between Bulgarian employers, labor unions and the Ministry of Healthcare. The salaries of the..