Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel and the Secretary of State for European Affairs of France Laurence Boone discussed the war in Ukraine, the attacks of Hamas against Israel, as well as the enlargement of the EU at..
“There is no immediate threat to Bulgaria, but the government has taken preventive measures, including by bolstering security at the Israeli embassy and the synagogues in this country,” said Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov after the extraordinary..
The Institutions should stand together when there are important tasks to be solved, Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov said after the consultative meeting on the risks and threats to national security initiated by President Rumen Radev...
The reports of the services show that there is no direct threat to Bulgaria’s national security at present, President Rumen Radev said at a briefing after a consultative meeting on the risks and threats to national security as a result of the..
Due to the alarming escalation of tension surrounding the development of the military conflict on the territory of Israel, Bulgaria Air is forced to cancel flights FB 571/2 on the route Sofia - Tel Aviv - Sofia, scheduled for 12 October 2023,..
For this evening, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has called a consultative meeting, where the risks and threats to national security as a result of the current world conflicts and measures to minimize them will be discussed. The topic of the meeting..
"You hear the sirens, they stop, and then the crackling, the rumbling starts... You don't know if in the next three to four seconds you'll survive!" is how Bulgarian singer Vasko Vasilev - Bazilio, who ended up in the epicentre of the fighting in Tel..
Bulgaria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Embassy of Bulgaria in Tel Aviv, managed to secure 57 seats for Bulgarian citizens on a flight of a private airline for 11 October 2023. Among those successfully brought out of Israel are 29 tourists,..
Bulgaria's Foreign Ministry has urged people to avoid visiting areas in Jordan where demonstrations and crowds have gathered because of the latest escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Ministry's Situation Center reported that there were..
A group of Jewish pilgrims from New York paid tribute to the memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel. They lit candles at the memorial complex of Rabbi Eliezer Papo in Silistra and prayed for peace and the rescue of..