Welcome to Bulgaria Today on July 28. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about the serious lack of basic job skills and digital literacy among young people in Bulgaria...
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on July 11. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next,we are to tell you more about grain imports from Ukraine that cause worry among Bulgarian farmers. In today’s..
First, we start with a summary of the leading news from Bulgaria today first, with the weather forecast for the weekend first. Next, how a new online platform created by a Bulgarian team seeks to assist people with hearing impairment? At the end,..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on June 29. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about the shortage of doctors and young specialist in Bulgaria. In today’s music slot, we bring..
In “Bulgaria Today” on Tuesday, June 28, we bring you, first, the latest news from this country. Next on the show: Bulgaria was a magnet for drug traffickers in the early 20th century Finally, in our music slot we’ll hear a Aprilska..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on June 22. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about the protests and rallies taking place in Bulgaria in the recent days. In today’s music slot,..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on June 10. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about engineer Stoimen Sarafov, benefactor of the Sarafovo residential area in..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on June 8. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about the forthcoming budget amendment in Bulgaria . In today’s music slot, we..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on June 2. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more how the search for truth continues 146 years after the death of Bulgarian revolutionary and poet..
Welcome to Bulgaria Today on May 31. We open up with the leading news and stories today and a weather report for tomorrow. Next, we are to tell you more about Ukrainians fleeing the war who need to be relocated from Bulgarian seaside..