For people visiting Bulgaria’s second biggest city, Plovdiv for the first time, seeing its winding streets, colourful buildings and welcoming people is usually like love at first sight. People in Plovdiv will readily direct you to all the must-sees,..
Artefacts from the period 7th century BC - 12th century AD, among which a rare Thracian sword, ornaments from the Thracian and Roman eras, silver and bronze objects are exhibited in the Historical Museum in Chiprovtsi . They are described in detail in..
145 years ago, four Sofia booksellers were hanged on the gallows on charges of distributing seditious literature. Immediately after the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman Rule in 1878, the founder of book publishing in Bulgaria, Hristo G. Danov,..
The day Bulgaria declared its independence, September 22, with the manifesto of the Bulgarian Prince Ferdinand, put an end to the last vassal ties with the Ottoman Empire. The Principality of Bulgaria became an independent kingdom, headed by the already..
"The Bulgarian issue" - so the activists for the unification of Bulgaria after 1878 used to refer to their most important task. After its liberation from Ottoman rule, the country reappeared on world maps, but in a fragmented form. This happened with the..
Without any designated meetings of any members of the joint historical Bulgaria-North Macedonia commission, without resuming the discussion, all of a sudden it transpired that some kind of accord had once more been reached on the sensitive..
Visitors to the National History Museum in Sofia can now take a virtual walk in the temple of the ancient Roman goddess of happiness and fortune Fortuna. The building is part of the former Roman colony of Ulpia Oescus near the present-day..
As the ancient Greek cities argue where is the birthplace of Homer, so two Bulgarian mountain towns - Bansko and Samokov, claim to be the birthplace of Paisius of Hilendar, the author of the "Istoriya Slavyanobolgarskaya" (Slav-Bulgarian history)...
Any attempt to interrupt the work of the joint Bulgarian-Macedonian Commission on Historical and Educational Issues is a gesture of ill will and a bad attitude towards the Treaty of Friendship and Good Neighbourliness , said to BNR Prof. Angel Dimitrov,..
Today marks 25 years since one of the most memorable dates in Bulgarian political life - February 4, 1997 . Mass protests over the government's failure to cope with a number of crises forced Prime Minister Zhan Videnov to resign in late 1996. Power..