Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with the National Operational Headquarters for Combating Covid-19. The ministers of health, finance and economy took part in the conversation. The Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev announced that the price of the clinical..
The percentage of positive Covid-19 tests is growing, and this leads to an increase in the total number of people infected with the virus, Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev, director of the National Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases said...
66 new Covid-19 cases have been registered in the country over the past 24 hours, out of a total of 1 , 034 tests performed, or 46 less than the previous day, according to data of the Health Ministry’s single information portal. The..
81 of the 2 , 371 tests for coronavirus performed over the past 24 hours have come back positive. The biggest number of cases, 28, has been registered in Sofia, indicate data of the National Information System. The total number of..
24 new Covid-19 cases have been registered in Bulgaria over the past 24 hours, out of 1,409 tests performed, indícate data from the Single Information Portal – Covid-19 as of midnight. The total number of coronavirus cases in Bulgaria to..
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said that the new record number of people infected with Covid-19 for the past 24 hours in Bulgaria was due to the number of test conducted. "If we test 500 people, there will be 20 infected; if we examine 2500, we..
43 out of the 816 tests for Covid-19 performed over the past 24 hours in Bulgaria have returned positive, indicate data posted on the Ministry of Health’s Single Information Portal. This brings the total number of coronavirus cases in..
57 is the number of newly registered coronavirus cases out of 1,158 tests conducted over the past 24 hours, which brings the number of tests conducted in Bulgaria so far up to 50,303. Of them 15 are hospitalized. Out of the newly confirmed..
53 new cases of Covid-19 have been registered in Bulgaria in the past 24 hours, of which 6 are medics , the National Operational Headquarters announced this morning. So far, a total of 46,510 tests have been done in the country, which makes 6,644..
Cases continue to grow but at a moderate pace and the epidemic's development is under control, Bulgaria's Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev told the Bulgarian National Radio. "We have reached about 1000 tests a day as this..