The Municipal Council in Veliko Tarnovo has adopted a strategy aimed at affirming the town’s image as a historical and spiritual capital of Bulgaria that strengthens and promotes the national identity as an integral part of the European and world..
The Bulgarian MPs unanimously named the town of Veliko Tarnovo historical and spiritual capital of Bulgaria. 99 MPs voted in favor of the proposal made by initiative committee representing the public from Veliko Tarnovo. The town was capital of the..
The Bulgarian Army has been ranked 60th in the world in 2018, according to US media Global Firepower. According to the indicator, this country is ahead of Austria, Slovakia and Portugal, while the US, Russia and China hold the top positions for..
Bulgaria and Serbia will work for the development of their tourist destinations and their inclusion in common routes on the world market, said Maja Gojković, Speaker of the Serbian National Assembly, in the old Bulgarian capital of Veliko Tarnovo. "I..
From April 19 to 21 Bulgaria’s town of Veliko Tarnovo hosts the traditional international exhibition Cultural Tourism. The 15 th edition of the exhibition will be held at Vasil Levski Palace of Culture and Sports. Over 60 participants will..
Today marks 109 years since Bulgaria declared its Independence. It was proclaimed on 22 September 1908 in the city of Veliko Tarnovo with a Manifesto of Prince Ferdinand read at St. Forty Martyrs Church and later also at the medieval Tsarevets..
Today marks 138 years since the adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution. On 16 April 1879 the Constituent Assembly in the city of Veliko Tarnovo, Central Northern Bulgaria, adopted the first basic law of the Principality of Bulgaria formed after the..
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church commemorates today Saint Euthimius, the Patriarch of Tarnovo. He was born circa 1327 to a noble family in Bulgaria’s medieval capital Veliko Tarnovo and as a very young man became a monk at the Monastery of Kelifarevo,..
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Minister of Environment and Water Ivelina Vassileva unveiled earlier today a new regional waste management system builtin the village of Sheremetia near Veliko Tarnovo. The system has been financed with more than..
Losses of businesses have doubled for a year. The negative record is due to the Corporate Commercial Bank bust, tourism, energy and real estate trade , Sega writes quoting a report of the National Revenue Agency that analyses business results and..