An exhibition marking the 20th anniversary of Bulgaria's NATO membership will open on 28 March at the National Museum of Military History in Sofia. The exhibition is entitled "The Bulgarian Army - 20 years of being part of NATO" and includes original..
The exhibition "From the Newspaper to the Museum", which has been attracting visitors to the Socialist Art Museum in Sofia for the past five months, is an attempt to reconstruct the genre of caricature under the totalitarian system of government in..
The exhibition Borba (Struggle)/ Kampf by graphic artist Zoran Mishe opens at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Berlin on 14 March. It is a sequel to the initiative by the Cultural Institute in Berlin, the National School of Fine Art Iliya..
Having to flee one’s home and country and take the long road to an uncertain future – that is what refugees have invariably faced through the years, and for the same reasons. People have to flee because of war or their religious beliefs, their..
In order to express the diversity of women's essence, visual artist Johanna Trayanova uses botanical shapes, which she recreates with photographic skills. Her narration is allegorical – it draws the viewer in, making them an active..
The Embassy of Bulgaria in the United Kingdom and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in London invite Bulgarians in the United Kingdom to celebrate Bulgaria's National Day on 3 March at 7pm with the opening of the exhibition "The Ancient Treasures of..
An exhibition of priceless artefacts from Bulgaria's history will be on show at the Etar open-air ethnographic museum near Gabrovo from March 1 to 5 . Visitors will find the exposition in the largest building of the ethnographic complex, which is..
Yordan Ivanov, one of the most successful Bulgarian artists in America , who works for America's biggest carnival, Mardi Gras, has undertaken an unusual experiment - he curates an art exhibition in a gym . The venue is a space that is part of the..
On February 22, the virtual exhibition "Let's ask Siraka - 140 years since the birth of Sirak Skitnik" will be presented in Bratislava. The exhibition, work by Prof. Boyan Dobrev, a lecturer at the National Academy of Arts, and a team..
On February 8, in the building of the Marco Besso Foundation in the heart of Rome, a solo exhibition of Bulgarian artistic dui Marusia and Tania Kalimerov was opened. At the official event, special greetings were given by the Bulgarian ambassador to..