In compliance with all anti-epidemiological measures, and especially – for keeping distance, by order of the Mayor of Sofia Yordanka Fandakova the Sofia City Library has opened doors. Readers have the opportunity to borrow books, but not to..
It is too early to talk about opening theatres, concerts and philharmonic orchestras, said Culture Minister Boil Banov. For now, only open-air performances will be allowed, with a limited number of performers. Only museums, galleries, and..
We will allocate another 2.5 million euros for culture and we will invest them immediately, Bulgaria's Minister of Culture Boil Banov stated. 10% of the money is targeted at theater productions, musical performances, dance shows and visual arts...
Minister of Culture Boil Banov took part in a video conference of the ministers of culture of the UNESCO member countries discussing each country’s vision of cultural development in the conditions of the Covid-19 crisis. Minister Banov pointed..
Bulgarian artists whose monthly incomes were below EUR 500 in 2019 will receive one minimum salary, including the social security contributions, in the months during the state of emergency and the month after its end, Bulgaria’s Minister of Culture..
Minister of culture Boil Banov took part in an EU videoconference, exchanging information with his counterparts on the different kinds of assistance for the sector and presenting the measures Bulgaria is taking. These include three options..
The Bulgarian state operas, theaters and concert institutions will receive a subsidy to pay the salaries and the social security contributions of their staff during the coronavirus crisis . The money will be paid for a maximum of 6 months starting on..
Bulgaria's Culture Minister Boil Banov should persuade the government to allocate money to save the independent sector of culture and the arts in Bulgaria. This demand has been made by the participants in the online meeting between the culture minister..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Culture Boil Banov unveiled at the European Commission’s headquarters an exhibition named The Bulgarian Trace in Science. Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel is initiator of the..
The topic of preservation of Bulgarian cultural heritage has long been part of public agenda. In the capital city of Sofia alone, the number of buildings - monuments of culture is about 800. Problems related to their status, given by the..