A protocol for cooperation and exchange between the Ministries of Education and Science in Bulgaria and Ukraine for 4 academic years until 2028 was signed in a videoconference mode. With their signatures, Ministers Galin Tsokov and Oksen..
“You have the challenging but noble mission to mould knowledgeable, competent and highly responsible individuals, but most of all good and honest people, worthy citizens of the country and of the world,” said Education Minister Galin Tsokov in an..
On the first day of school, caretaker Minister of Education and Science Prof. Galin Tsokov greeted principals, school teachers and educational specialists at educational establishments, first graders and students, and parents. Calling the day a..
The European Commission has asked Bulgaria’s Minister of Education Galin Tsokov for further information regarding the law, adopted by parliament, banning LGBTQ+ “propaganda” in Bulgarian schools. Minister Tsokov has two weeks to respond, a European..
The construction of 33 new schools and kindergartens has begun, and another 57 buildings will be reconstructed and renovated, announced outgoing Minister of Education and Science Galin Tsokov. The projects will be implemented under the programme..
"Bulgaria lags behind other EU countries in the share of young people with higher education. The removal of tuition fees for state-funded education aims to attract more students against the backdrop of a worsening demographic crisis", Bulgaria’s..
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) will help Bulgaria reform the assessment and teaching model in its education system. This was agreed by Education and Science Minister..
A forum for the presentation of the National Program "The Untold Stories of Bulgarians" was held at the Bulgarian Embassy in Bucharest. "There was no more natural place for this magnificent idea to begin. The life, fate and deeds of all the greatest..
Prime Minister Acad. Nikolai Denkov and Minister of Education Galin Tsokov congratulated the first-graders, who on 15 September walked through the doors of school for the first time. Mr. Denkov wished the children to enjoy this day, which marks the..