On Saturday, a cold atmospheric front with precipitation will pass through Bulgaria. Minimum temperatures will be between minus 2°C and 3°C, in Sofia - minus 1°C, and highs will be between 2°C and 7°C, in Sofia - 2°C. In the..
During the night and tomorrow the weather will remain mostly cloudy, but the precipitation will weaken and stop, at the latest in the northeastern regions of the country. A light to moderate wind will blow from the west-northwest. The minimum..
On Wednesday, the minimum temperatures will start from -5 °C in Veliko Tarnovo to 0 °C in Sandanski. It will be -4°C in the capital Sofia. By midday it will be foggy in many places in the plains and valleys. The maximum temperatures will be from 4 to..
A yellow code for cold weather has been announced for today for almost the entire whole territory of Bulgaria. Exceptions are the districts Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Haskovo, Varna, Burgas and Yambol. Temperatures are expected to start rising on..
The National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology has issued Code Yellow warning for cold weather across the country for January 19. Meteorologists forecast that minimum temperatures will fluctuate between minus 12 degrees Celsius and minus 9..