Alarming data on the state of water resources and access to water for domestic use and irrigation were presented at a hearing in the National Assembly on the problems of water scarcity in the country. The Minister of Environment and Water, Petar..
Even before the election of the regular committees, the Parliament decided to set up an ad hoc committee to find out all the facts and circumstances of the drought problems in the country. The decision was taken unanimously with 203 votes in favour. The..
The European Commission has proposed to allocate €119.7 million to directly support farmers in Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy and Romania affected by adverse natural phenomena in 2024. Bulgaria is reported to have been affected by a drought this..
There is no exact statistics on the number of forested areas that will be burned by fires in Bulgaria this summer. According to the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), around 600 such incidents occur in Bulgaria every year. These fires..
In 2022, 2.78% of the population in Bulgaria was experiencing water shortages (drought), mainly on a seasonal basis. The most affected districts are Lovech (24.9%), Targovishte (19.0%), Blagoevgrad (14.8%) and Pernik (12.9%), according to the National..
The summer of 2024 will be remembered for nearly two months of heat, devastating fires and drought that affected nearly the entire country . According to the data of the European Forest Fire Information System, based on..
Farmers in the Eastern Rhodopes have reported a critical fodder situation due to the drought. Grazing areas have been severely reduced and water is scarce due to the hot weather. The drought has put fodder resources at risk. Extra hay, normally..
In recent months, wheat for bread has been exported from Bulgaria to the Far East and North Africa, announced Preslav Borisov from the management of the Bulgarian Farmers' Union. There are buyers in Thailand, Egypt, Jordan, and other countries...
Drought, which has swept across Europe, is a growing concern for Bulgarians living along the Danube. The low water level of the river is causing extreme losses to shipping. Hundreds of self-propelled and nonself-propelled vessels are waiting in..
The water flow from the karst spring that feeds the Iskretska River is slightly increasing , but this is not enough to restore the water supply to the town of Svoge. A state of disaster has been declared since Monday as the spring has completely dried..