In 2023, there were 7.7 million female scientists and engineers in the EU, with Bulgaria among the top three countries, according to Eurostat data . The proportion of women scientists and engineers in 2023 varied widely across the EU, with the highest..
In January 2025, Bulgaria had the lowest minimum wage among EU member states - 551 euros , according to Eurostat data . Luxembourg had the highest - 2 638 euro per month. Over the past decade, since 2015, the minimum wage in Bulgaria has increased..
Bulgaria ranks last among EU Member States in terms of life satisfaction. This is according to Eurostat data for 2023 published today . With an average level of the Community indicator of 7.3 points out of 10, Bulgaria scores 5.9. Finland tops the..
Bulgaria is among the top 5 countries in the EU in terms of growth in the number of nights spent by visitors in the period Apr-June 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, Eurostat said. The data show that the country is establishing itself as a..
The euro area unemployment rate stabilised for the second consecutive month in May at 6.4%, the lowest level since 1998. In Bulgaria the unemployment rate fell from 4.5% in April to 4.4% in May. Youth unemployment (under 25s) in the country is 14%...
Bulgaria's GDP per capita, expressed in purchasing power standards (PPS), remains the lowest in the EU, according to preliminary data from Eurostat, the official European statistics agency. In 2023, the purchasing power of European citizens ranges..
Amounts sent to non-EU countries by EU residents have gone up to reach 33.2 billion euro in 2019, according to Eurostat data. For Bulgaria, in 2019, European statistics indicate personal transfers amounting to 14 million euro to non-EU..
Bulgaria and Romania are the EU countries with the lowest prices of alcoholic beverages, indicate Eurostat data for 2019. Alcoholic beverage price levels in Bulgaria are 38% lower compared to the EU average, and are highest in Finland and..
Around 13 percent of Bulgarians dropped out of secondary school in 2015 and never continued their education , a Eurostat report indicates. Only 3 percent of them have found a job and only half say they ever intended to look for a job. According to..