Eмисия новини
от 07.00 часа

A disappearing Bulgaria through the camera of Georgi Hadzhiev

A photographer, motorcyclist and musician, Georgi Hadzhiev has dedicated much of his time to exploring the forsaken territories in his native Bulgaria. He is looking for villages hidden high up in the mountains at over 1,000 metres altitude...

15.05.21 07:00 |

Yanko Yanev – painter who leads us on a journey to the beauties of Bulgaria

"The Beauty of Bulgaria" - this is the name of a series of paintings by Bulgarian artist Yanko Yanev which have earned him the love of the public. In them everyone can find their favourite place in this beautiful country. Here are the old-time..

25.12.20 11:20 |

Konstantin Shtarkelov – the artist unbroken in art

Konstantin Shtarkelov paints the harshest of landscapes in the gentlest of ways, putting down on paper the most austere peak and the most modest brook in water colours just as they open up to his eyes, without ever feeling the..

30.05.20 07:15 |

Boris Denev – Unexhibited landscapes

“Until I feel something stirring inside of me, I know I will not paint a good landscape, so I don’t sit down to paint,” these words belong to renowned Bulgarian painter Boris Denev. Works of his are on display until 26 May at the Loran gallery in..

29.04.17 08:25 |
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