Almost 80% of the employers and entrepreneurs in Bulgaria who took part in a poll by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry say they are in dire need of staff with a university degree in technical sciences, the Bulgarian news agency BTA..
No rise in prices in the hotel industry is to be expected until the end of the year, and wherever a price rise is planned, it will not exceed 10%. However, hotel operators say they are not expecting any improvement in the business environment. This..
The demographic crisis in this country is advancing at a rapid rate, holding back the development of businesses, but this is a tendency observed in other countries as well. Because of their good qualifications, Bulgarian workers find work in many..
The European Public Health Week (EUPHW), an initiative organized and coordinated by the European Public Health Association (EUPHA), is taking place for the 6 th time May 13-17. It aims to raise awareness about public health and promote..
Yet Bulgaria remains uncompetitive as regards payment and working environment Employers in Bulgaria have been experiencing staff shortages for years – of both high and low-skilled workers. According to data of the Bulgarian Employment..
At the height of the summer season, hotel and restaurant operators face a serious problem – staff shortages at Bulgaria’s resorts. A significant drop in interest in tourism as an education has been registered in the country, Genka Rafailova,..
The tourist summer began in the northern portion of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast with the expectation that, once again, Bulgarian and Romanian tourists are going to save the season. The prices of sunbeds and umbrellas are down, in places they are free..