Bulgarian Vice President Iliana Iotova has opened the new school year at the Bulgarian Sunday School "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" in Barcelona . She congratulated the students for their diligence in attending classes on weekends after a full week at a..
Senzația muzicală de necontestat în aceste zile este vestea că, pentru prima dată, un muzician bulgar a devenit parte a celebrei orchestre țigănești Gipsy balKan din Barcelona, care se concentrează în principal pe folclorul țărilor balcanice...
The undisputed musical sensation these days is the news that for the first time a Bulgarian musician has become part of the world-famous Barcelona Gipsy balKan Orchestra , focusing mainly on the folklore of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula...
O replică a Balonului de Aur a fost oferită de Hristo Stoichkov Școlii duminicale bulgare "Sf. Chiril și Metodiu" din Barcelona. Fotbalistul bulgar s-a întâlnit cu elevii și părinții lor la școală pe 22 aprilie. Acolo le-a vorbit despre drumul lung și..
“The bill which envisages control of the prosecutor general is not about accountability. It has one purpose and one purpose only – to allow for the prosecutor’s office to be taken under control and to be used for reformatting political and economic..
Der erfolgreichste bulgarische Tennisspieler Grigor Dimitrov hat sich problemlos für die dritte Runde des ATP-500-Turniers in Barcelona qualifiziert. Die Nummer 11 besiegte Emilio Gomez aus Ecuador nach 62 Minuten mit 6:3, 6:1. Dimitrovs nächster..
The most successful Bulgarian tennis player Grigor Dimitrov easily qualified for the third round of the ATP 500 tournament in Barcelona. The No. 11 ranked player defeated Emilio Gomez of Ecuador 6:3, 6:1 after 62 minutes of play. Dimitrov's next..
Der bulgarische Rennfahrer Nikola Tsolov gewann den Titel in der spanischen Formel 4. Zolow, der im Dezember 16 Jahre alt wird, wurde bereits in seiner ersten Saison bei Bolid-Autorennen Weltmeister . Bis vergangenes Jahr beteiligte sich Tsolov an..
Los ciudadanos búlgaros residentes en España pueden ejercer su derecho a voto en un total de 56 poblaciones donde están habilitados 65 colegios electorales. La jornada electoral allí ha comenzado a las 08:00, hora de Bulgaria, y a las 09:00 en las..
The junior national player of Bulgaria, Martin Georgiev, was included in the prestigious ranking of UK's The Guardian for the 60 most promising football talents in the world. The defender, who moved from Slavia to Barcelona this season, is..